COVID-19 – Nouveau coronavirus

A Red Cross volunteer standing outdoors, wearing a surgical mask stares straight ahead.

The Canadian Red Cross is dedicated to supporting individuals, families and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through relationships with government agencies and widespread community partnerships, the Red Cross continues to adapt to emerging needs to assist the country’s most vulnerable as this international crisis evolves.

A young woman leads an at home exercise with an elderly woman, both wearing surgical masks.

Whatever your living situation, the Canadian Red Cross has tips and resources to help keep yourself and your loved ones safe during this pandemic. We also have tools and guidance on how to care for those at high risk of complications.  

A Red Cross volunteer wearing gloves and mask in the middle of work.

We understand there is a lot of information circulating about COVID-19 vaccines and their effects. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the vaccines and trusted sources you can go to for additional information. Across Canada, the Canadian Red Cross is supporting vaccination efforts in coordination with local health authorities.

A young woman wearing a colorful face mask.

When worn properly, a mask or face covering can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Wearing a mask is recommended when it’s not possible to consistently maintain a 2 metre (6 foot) physical distance from others, such as during a trip inside a grocery store or when riding public transit.

A woman sitting at a desk, using a mobile phone and also visiting the Red Cross homepage.

Find answers to commonly asked questions about COVID-19. As well, the Canadian Red Cross is advising the public to be aware of fraudulent activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic.