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Emergency Preparedness: What's in your kit?

In preparing for an emergency, the Canadian Red Cross has a lot of information on how to plan for times that take us by surprise at www.redcross.ca/ready. Every household should have an emergency preparedness kit to help you get through the first 72 hours after a disaster strikes.

Photo of the Day: Philippines update six months on

Six months since Typhoon Haiyan devastated the central Visayas region of the Philippines last November, the Red Cross has so far provided shelter and non-food items to 2.75 million people and over the next two years will help 800,000 survivors rebuild their lives.

Extreme weather is the new norm, says senior climatologist

There’s no question that Canada has had its fair share of challenging weather over the last year. Just think back to the Alberta floods or the ice storm that hit Eastern Canada. There have been an unusually high number of severe weather situations that have kept Red Cross disaster teams on high alert across the country.

Torontonians get emergency prepared!

About 30 Canadian Red Cross Disaster Management volunteers and staff helped kick off Emergency Preparedness Week, May 4-10, at Toronto City Hall this week. Red Crossers were on hand to teach Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly how to set up cots for a shelter and share information to help Torontonians be ready for disasters.

Disasters can happen to anyone – know the risks

Emergencies such as floods and house fires can happen to anyone, and in many cases, quite unexpectedly. That’s what Haley Overland and her family discovered this past winter when their home flooded as a consequence of the extended power outage caused by the ice storm that struck the Toronto area. She never imagined that this could happen to her and felt shock and disbelief.

Êtes-vous prêts? Faites le test!

En 2013, les bénévoles de la Croix-Rouge ont répondu à un plus grand nombre de sinistres et de catastrophes : feux de forêt dans le Nord du Québec et dans l’Ouest du pays, inondations en Alberta, verglas à Toronto, tragédie à Lac-Mégantic et, plus récemment, incendie à L’Isle-Verte.

Join our Twitter chat about emergency preparedness

Some Canadians don’t believe a disaster will happen in their community, yet, last year, many Canadians experienced disasters through events such as the Lac-Megantic derailment, Alberta floods and Toronto ice storm, as well as personal disasters like house fire or flooding. Are you prepared in case of an emergency? Join us on May 7 at 3 pm EDT for a live Twitter chat on emergency preparedness using the hashtag #BeReady.

Photo of the Day: Red Cross volunteers on hand in Korea's ferry disaster

On April 16, a ferry carrying 476 people sank off the southwest coast of the Republic of Korea. The Korean Red Cross mobilized and deployed its volunteers that day with relief items and mobile kitchen vehicles to the disaster.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
