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Red Cross and City of Toronto enter new partnership

The Red Cross recently entered into an agreement with the City of Toronto that formalizes our relationship during times of disaster. It’s an important step towards ensuring Torontonians affected by large-scale and small-scale disasters, such as fire, floods or lengthy power outages, will have the support of the Red Cross when they need it most.

Photo of the Day: Red Cross assisting Kashechewan residents after flooding

Canadian Red Cross disaster response volunteers are providing assistance to approximately 1,500 people from the Northern Ontario community of Kashechewan which experienced severe flooding earlier this week. Evacuees are being sheltered in host communities across Ontario, including Thunder Bay, Cornwall, Greenstone and Kapuskasing.

Infographic: Boating-related fatalities in Canada

Today marks National Lifejacket Day and as the long weekend approaches, we want to ensure that Canadians are aware of the importance of lifejackets while engaging in water-related activities.

Sécurité nautique : des chiffres qui font réfléchir

Nous profitons de la Journée nationale des gilets de sauvetage et du long week-end qui approche pour vous rappeler l'importance de porter un gilet de sauvetage en tout temps lorsque vous êtes sur l’eau.

Photo of the Day: Buckles visits Parliament Hill

Earlier this week, Buckles, the Canadian Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety mascot, made an appearance on Parliament Hill.

Haiti helps Guinea and Liberia in Ebola outbreak

With the Ebola virus affecting communities in Guinea since February, response activities ramped up in Guinea and neighbouring Liberia with Haiti now sharing expertise in beneficiary communications to help deal with the haemorrhagic fever outbreak.

Photo of the Day: U.S. storms show importance of being prepared

Last week was Emergency Preparedness Week (May 4 – 10) and recent severe weather in the United States is a good example of disasters happening in an instant.

Food Friday: Preparing food in times of emergency

So now you’re prepared and have your emergency kit packed and stored somewhere easily accessible in times of disaster, but should that happen, what do you have in your kit to eat?

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
