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A healthy place to shop in more ways than one

Whole Foods grocery stores are a great place to shop if you are focusing on your health. But a team of employees from the Mississauga location took “being healthy” to a whole new level when they saved the life of a co-worker last summer.

How a phone app is bringing shelter to families affected by Typhoon Haiyan

In the Philippino province of Ilo Ilo, a smartphone app is helping the Red Cross kick off an ambitious plan to build or repair homes caught up in the destruction of Typhoon Haiyan.

3,3 milliards de personnes risquent de contracter la malaria

Toutes les 45 secondes, un enfant meurt de la malaria quelque part dans le monde et 3,3 milliards de personnes risquent de contracter cette maladie également connue sous le terme de paludisme. En dépit des campagnes de prévention et des options de traitement, la malaria tue près de 700 000 personnes chaque année, en majorité des enfants de moins de cinq ans.

10 tips to help you stay safe in times of flooding

With winter finally thawing, spring brings warmer weather as well as an increased risk of flooding. Floods are one of the most common and costly disasters in Canada, and the Canadian Red Cross is already providing support in communities affected by flooding in some parts of the country. 

Photo of the Day: Polio campaign in Syria

Pictured above, a 5-year old boy from Syria, recently displaced, gets his polio vaccination from Dr. Tarek of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent health department.

Red Cross Increases Response to Ebola Outbreak in Guinea

Red Cross has increased its response to help limit the spread of Ebola cases in Guinea, a west African country, since the outbreak began three weeks ago. This latest outbreak of the virus, which is highly infectious and can spread quickly through contact with infected persons or animals, has resulted in over 100 fatalities 

Volunteer Rose Thompson wears many hats, including at times, a party hat

Rose Thompson, a volunteer with the London branch, knows how to throw a party. Last summer, the White Oaks Walmart store in London exceeded its Red Cross fundraising goal, due in large part, to Rose’s efforts.

A Hero Among Us

Sirens piercing, phones ringing, and voices shouting above the din. People rushing in and out of chaos – hyper-focused on the urgency of their tasks. Enter Donald Bourne – an emergency response senior advisor for the Red Cross – who thrives in crisis situations. Bourne has worked on everything from fires and floods in Alberta to conflict zones and disasters around the world.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
