Plus récents billets

Volunteer Russell Barton doesn't think there is anything better than helping people

Canadian Red Cross volunteer Russell Barton is motivated by knowing his actions will positively affect people in the future. That’s one of the many reasons he is a dedicated disaster management volunteer with Red Cross in Saskatchewan.

PEI volunteer Erin Kielly found friendships and a place to grow at Red Cross

Erin Kielly is a strong, proud Red Cross volunteer on Prince Edward Island. Erin began volunteering with Red Cross following her graduation from university, first in disaster management and subsequently as a member of the Red Cross Provincial Advisory Council and the Atlantic Council.

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

The Red Cross Social Team: Join us and make a difference

Did you know that in 140 characters or less or by posting on Facebook you can help the Canadian Red Cross carry out our mission during a disaster. Meet two members of the Social Team who love what they do. 

A tradition that keeps on giving

Jane Belyk delicate fingers weave effortlessly between her needle and wool. Her scarf is nearly done – dancing colours of blue, green and a pale yellow fill her design. She is among a group of seven ladies sitting around a table at the Canadian Red Cross office in Calgary, like they do every Tuesday, knitting blankets and other material to local community groups, such as the Sheldon Kennedy Advocacy Centre and Raido Youth Transition House.

Volunteer Jen Duke Holmes capturing compassion

Not only has Canadian Red Cross volunteer Jennifer Duke Holmes been able to support the Red Cross as a disaster management volunteer, but she has also used her expertise in film production to capture the Red Cross on video.

World Health Day: Preventing the spread of dengue around the globe

Natural disasters like storms, earthquakes and floods make news around the world, but health emergencies are silently affecting hundreds of millions of lives every year. The recent Ebola outbreak in Guinea—which the Red Cross is working to help contain—is a rare example of public health emergencies becoming global news. One of the most silent, and rapidly growing, health emergencies in the spread of dengue fever, a disease spread by mosquitos.

Volunteer Angelo Hsu dedicates free time to community

Canadian Red Cross volunteer Angelo Hsu has always understood the importance of community, especially in times of need.  When the ice storms hit Toronto in December 2013, Angelo spent approximately 380 hours over the course of the power outage helping others.

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
