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Photo of the Day: Using fire to charge mobile phones

With thousands of residents in New York and New Jersey left without power following last week's storm, an innovative company from New York took to the streets to set up charging stations. For those left without electricity, mobile phones are one ...

An update from the American Red Cross DigiDOC

Wendy Harman, Director of Social Media at the American Red Cross talks about how the Red Cross is using social media in their response following Hurricane Sandy. The Red Cross has tracked more than 1 million mentions of Sandy and are using its soci...

Photo Blog: Cleaning up the Jersey Shore

These photos are from Seaside Heights (the area where MTV's Jersey Shore is filmed) which suffered extensive damage from the storm. The Canadian Red Cross is now accepting funds at www.redcross.ca/sandyusa to support American Red C...

Canadian Red Cross assists with Hurricane Sandy response

[slideshow] The American Red Cross is in the midst of a major relief operation in response to Hurricane Sandy. The severe storm has affected millions of people and caused power outages, flooding and other damage along the eastern seaboard this week....

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. VIETNAM: With the experience of enduring continuous disasters year after year, the Red Cross Societies of the Philippines and Viet Nam inst...

What's in an emergency preparedness kit?

We've been urging Canadians to assemble an emergency preparedness kit for their home. But what exactly should be included in such a kit? Red Crosser Gwen Eamer shows some of the key items to include in the kit and why it's so important to have one in...

Photo of the day: B.C. and Red Cross to co-ordinate major disaster responses

*Guest entry by Cheekwan Ho, Communications Manager, BC The B.C. government and the Canadian Red Cross formalized a partnership this week to ensure a quick and effective response to major catastrophic events or natural disasters in the province, s...

La cartographie au secours des services d’urgence

Les outils de cartographie en ligne peuvent offrir une aide précieuse aux services d’urgence. Ils permettent entre autres à n’importe qui de téléverser des données de géolocalisation sur une carte en ligne pour avertir le public et les services de se...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
