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Photo of the Day: 28th Annual Global Issues Symposium for Youth!

Guest entry by James Park, Assistant Communications Coordinator in BC  This Remembrance Day weekend marked the 28th year of our Global Issues Symposium for Youth, a four-day camp run by the Canadian Red Cross’ Humanitarian Issues Promotion. At our...

Des nouvelles de Vicky et des opérations terrain post Sandy

Vicky Chainey est l’une des bénévoles du Québec (section Sherbrooke) qui se trouve présentement aux États-Unis pour prêter main forte aux bénévoles américains et aux sinistrés de l’ouragan Sandy. Elle nous a fait parvenir un billet sur son expérience...

Using CPR to Save Lives

Effective bystander CPR can save lives, which is something Bran Simon learned first-hand a few weeks ago. After hearing yelling and crying in his apartment building, Bran ran over to see what was wrong and saw a man lying on the floor with no vital s...

Photo of the Day: Canadians lend a helping hand

Canadians are continuing to help their neighbours in the United States recover from the storm. Red Crosser Nathan Huculak from BC spent the past week in New York, helping the American Red Cross assist people whose lives have been disrupted by Hur...

Des affiches de la Seconde Guerre mondiale

Pour souligner le Jour du Souvenir, nous avons ressorti des affiches de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en hommage aux dizaines de milliers de femmes qui ont aidé la Croix-Rouge canadienne pendant la guerre.  Ne sont-elles pas magnifiques? À voir aussi :...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross response in Guatemala

Pictured above the Guatemalan Red Cross assesses damage after a 7.4 earthquake hit yesterday, affecting an estimated 17,000 people. Guatemalan Red Cross volunteers are assisting with assessments, pre-hospital care, search and rescue operations, and p...

Video update on Guatemala earthquake

The Red Cross is responding to a 7.4 earthquake that struck off the coast of Guatemala earlier today. Currently, Guatemalan Red Cross volunteers are assisting with assessments, pre-hospital care, search and rescue operations, and psychosocial ...

Photo of the Day: Canadian Red Cross volunteers help U.S. Sandy response

The 20 Canadian Red Cross volunteers who have been deployed to the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy have been helping out with numerous tasks to support American Red Cross relief efforts, from distributing food to caring for peop...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
