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Tech Talk: Crisis communications in Trillium Resolve exercise

Last week, the Canadian Red Cross participated in a disaster response exercise called Trillium Resolve in order to test and improve Ontario's emergency response programs. The Red Cross participated in the exercise by opening shelters and assisting "v...

Stories of friendship from Slave Lake to Nova Scotia

Recently, we heard of  two touching stories of friendship and support from Slave Lake that have emerged, all the way in Nova Scotia! This fall, Marilyn Greenwood, a Canadian Red Cross disaster response volunteer from Alberta travelled to Nova ...

Social Media Team at the Red Cross field hospital: #CRCeru

[slideshow] This week Red Cross aid workers from across the country are meeting in Ontario for an intensive training exercise. Each of the 35 aid workers  - delegates as they are known in the Red Cross movement - are part of a larger roster of spe...

Photos from Trillium Resolve disaster training exercise

[slideshow] The Canadian Red Cross is currently participating in Trillium Resolve, a disaster training exercise in Ontario that simulates severe weather events to test the province’s emergency response teams. Yesterday, after fictitious tornadoes...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross test sea cans at Trillium Resolve

During the Trillium Resolve Disaster Exercise that is currently taking place this week, the Ontario Zone Disaster Management team has had the opportunity to pilot a new concept for the rapid deployment of relief supplies to disaster areas. Using ...

Trillium Resolve Disaster Training Exercise

This week in Ontario, the Canadian Red Cross is participating in an emergency training exercise called the Trillium Resolve. The Trillium Resolve is a disaster response exercise that simulates severe weather events to test the province’s ability ...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. THAILAND: Floods are not unique for Thailand. But in 2011, the floods were considered some of the worst in the country’s history. One year ...

Discussions about social media and emergency response survey results

Last week we released the results of a survey on the use of social media in emergencies. The survey showed that 63% of Canadians think emergency services such as fire and police should be prepared to respond to a call for help posted on a social ...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
