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Lights! Cameras! Pink!

The 2015 Canadian Red Cross Day of Pink on April 8th reached across the entire province of Manitoba with more than 335 schools and workplaces joining in on the celebrations.

Overcoming Ebola: Fatmata’s Story

This is the story of Ebola survivor Fatmata Amara, approximately 60 years old, as told to Anna MacSwan, British Red Cross.

When we first found out that Ebola had come to Komende Luyama, I felt bad because it was my daughter who had been the initial patient.

Conseils visant à prévenir l’intimidation envers les jeunes vulnérables

Ce n’est pas le fruit de votre imagination : les enfants aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale, des troubles du développement neurologique ou des problèmes comportementaux sont plus susceptibles d’être intimidés ou d’intimider d’autres enfants que leurs pairs.

Photo of the Day: The cycle of life

The Red Cross uses many different ways to provide assistance in countries around the world. In this case, bikes! In March, a ceremony took place to mark the donation of 50 bicycles and first aid kits from the Chinese Red Cross to its Senegalese counterpart.

Video: Canadian nurse gives tour of Ebola treatment centre

What’s it like to be on the front lines of the fight against Ebola? Canadian nurse Jodi Dockman filmed some of the day-to-day activities at a Red Cross Ebola treatment centre in Sierra Leone during her recent deployment. She takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour.

Celebrating Day of Pink in Saskatchewan

While it takes a year-round, whole-community approach to stop bullying, on April 1, communities across Saskatchewan wore pink to help raise awareness on issues around bullying. 

We share some highlights from Red Cross Day of Pink events and activities held throughout the province, in schools and workplaces. 

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Bullying prevention tips for at-risk children

This guest blog post is in celebration of the Day of Pink, taking place in Saskatchewan on April 1 and Manitoba and elsewhere on April 8. 
It's not your imagination: children who are struggling with mental health, neurodevelopmental, and behavioural challenges are more likely to be bullied—and/or to bully—other children.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
