Plus récents billets

Far from home among friends: Red Cross volunteers come from across Canada to help in Saskatchewan

Lynn MacLeod didn’t worry when she volunteered to fly across the country to help people affected by the Saskatchewan wildfires. She knew that she was well-prepared.

“I’m so happy for all of our Red Cross training! It means I can go anywhere in the country and know how to help,” says MacLeod, who is from Prince Edward Island.

Training First Nations first responders in B.C.

Medical help can sometimes be far away if you’re living in rural and remote First Nations communities in British Columbia. In the past, getting on-call emergency assistance to people in need could be a major challenge. The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is working with the Canadian Red Cross to change that.

Votre guide de sécurité pour l’été

L’été est enfin arrivé! Avant de se précipiter à l’extérieur pour aller profiter de tout ce que la belle saison a à offrir, il faut s’assurer d’être bien préparé afin de pouvoir le faire en toute sécurité. Que votre famille préfère la baignade, la navigation de plaisance, les sports, la randonnée ou les journées à la plage, prenez le temps de parcourir les conseils et les ressources de la Croix-Rouge pour assurer la sécurité de chacun.

A safe place to sleep: People evacuated during the Saskatchewan wildfires say thanks

Selena and her son, Jade, were visiting Prince Albert when they heard people at home in Air Ronge were evacuating because wildfires and heavy smoke threatened their community.
The news meant they couldn't return home, not even for a toothbrush, Selena recalls.

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

​Distributing relief in hard to reach communities in Nepal

At around eight in the morning on a dry Thursday morning during monsoon season, a big Red Cross truck full of relief supplies shows up in front of the local school in the community of Kalikasthan.  Volunteers start unloading hygiene kits, blankets, kitchen sets and tarpaulins.

Photos: Canadian aid worker making a difference in Madagascar

Canadian Red Cross aid worker Erwan Cheneval recently took on an important role in helping coordinate the flood response caused by Cyclone Chedza in Madagascar. As Operations Manager for the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), Erwan helped liaise between the Malagasy Red Cross and the IFRC to see the operation through its final two months of implementation.

Helping people separated by the Saskatchewan wildfires find each other

Getting separated from family during the confusion of a disaster is one of the most frightening things that can happen to people. That's why the role performed during the Saskatchewan wildfires by Red Cross volunteer Barb MacLean is so important.

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
