Plus récents billets

Des bénévoles de la Croix-Rouge participent à la plus grande évacuation de l'histoire de la Saskatchewan

Près de 280 employés et bénévoles de la Croix-Rouge – provenant des Prairies et d’ailleurs au Canada – ont été mobilisés pour venir en aide aux évacués. Des travailleurs expérimentés arrivent tous les jours pour prêter main-forte en Saskatchewan ainsi que dans le centre d’hébergement mis sur pied à Cold Lake, en Alberta. 

Photo of the day: helping two sisters return to school in Nepal

Two sisters, 12 and 6 years old, used to come by the child friendly play space at the Canadian Red Cross field hospital every day. It was set up in the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake, in the community of Dhunche. One day, the older sister opened up to the Canadian Red Cross aid worker providing psychosocial support and told her their story. 

Lac-Mégantic, deux ans après la tragédie

Qui aurait pu imaginer qu’une telle catastrophe puisse se produire tout près de chez nous? La tragédie ferroviaire qui s’est abattue sur Lac-Mégantic il y a deux ans n'est pourtant pas fictive. Dès le départ, nous savions qu’une longue et difficile épreuve attendait cette communauté. L’expérience nous a aussi prouvé que dans de tels drames, le rétablissement des collectivités passe par un engagement à long terme de notre part.

Volunteers assisting with large-scale Saskatchewan evacuation

More than 150 Canadian Red Cross volunteers and staff from the Prairies and other parts of Canada have been mobilized to assist thousands of people who had to evacuate their homes in Northern Saskatchewan as a result of fires. 

Your summer safety guide

It’s summertime! While we all race outdoors to enjoy everything warm weather brings, it’s good to be prepared to safely enjoy summer activities.  Whether you’re enjoying swimming, boating, sports, hikes, or beaches, stock up on Canadian Red Cross tips and resources to stay safe.

​Keeping communities healthy after the earthquake in Nepal

Eight colourfully dressed Tamang women sit in the community health post in Goljung in Rasua district, high in the Himalayas of Nepal. They’re the local community health volunteers and they usually take care of 10 to 15 patients a day in the remote community of 1,000. Today they’ve gathered around to meet the Canadian Red Cross health team.

Photo of the day: Red Cross helping people affected by fires in Saskatchewan

Forest fires are affecting more than a dozen First Nation communities in Northern Saskatchewan, resulting in evacuations.

The Red Cross is providing emergency assistance such as food, clothing, shelter, referrals, and other necessities on behalf of the Saskatchewan Government for a total of 5,265 people. Our teams are ready to assist others if more communities are impacted.

The Red Cross Round-up

With cases of Ebola still surfacing in Sierra Leone on a weekly basis, the Sierra Leone Red Cross has installed information kiosks  throughout the country to serve as a point of reference to communities.

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
