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Photo of the day: Teaching first aid in Nepal

Local Nepalese staff including drivers and translators hired to support the Red Cross field hospital in Dhunche are getting first aid training this week.

Dispatch from a Canadian nurse working in Nepal

It's hard to believe that I have already been in Dhunche one week. This morning when I got up, the sky was clear enough to see the snow-capped mountains in Tibet and Langtang Mountain. Usually, this region is a trekker’s paradise, but the earthquakes and ongoing instability of the landscape have changed that for now.

Turning prep time into rescue time

It was an ordinary Tuesday for middle school teacher Deborah, but in a matter of seconds that all changed. By chance, Deborah was walking by the lunch room where Mike, a colleague, had been eating lunch. The pizza that he was eating had become lodged in his throat and Deborah quickly recognized that he was choking.

Reconstruire après la catastrophe : le long chemin du retour à la maison

Deux ans après les ravages des inondations qui ont endommagé des milliers de maisons et d’édifices dans le sud de l’Alberta, les travaux de réparation sur la maison historique de Chuck Shifflett dans la ville de High River touchent à leur fin.

Une journée dans les coulisses de l’hôpital de campagne de la Croix-Rouge canadienne au Népal

Par un matin brumeux annonçant la mousson, une file se forme devant l’hôpital de campagne de la Croix-Rouge canadienne, au Népal. On y voit des femmes âgées ornées de broderies traditionnelles et de lourdes boucles d’oreille en laiton, des enfants en pleurs et une poignée d’hommes frêles et courageux.

Photos: Red Cross responds to Burundi crisis

When pre-election violence broke out in Burundi in April, volunteers with the Burundi Red Cross were among the first to respond. The protests led to a number of casualties, and forced more than 96,000 people to seek safety in neighbouring countries.

Alberta Floods: Two Years Later

June 20th marked the two-year anniversary of the Alberta Floods. High River residents gathered together to celebrate how far they’ve come since that devastating day.

Building a future, one bedsheet at a time, with Canadian Red Cross in Nepal

Each hospital bedsheet that Deki Tamang washes represents another brick in the new home that she hopes to build for her children one day. Since the Nepal earthquakes reduced her house in Dhunche to rubble, the mother of four has worked full-time at the laundry in the Canadian Red Cross field hospital operating on the site of the original damaged hospital.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
