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Video: American Red Cross helps out in Alberta

The Canadian Red Cross received some help from our American neighbours during the response to the Alberta floods. American Red Cross workers brought their expertise in the area of mass distribution of supplies to help us successfully provide more...

Water Safety Inspiration: National Lifejacket Day photo contest winners

[slideshow]Congrats to the winners of this year's National Lifejacket Day photo contest! Our annual photo contest helps raise awareness around the importance of lifejackets in preventing drownings.  With the weekend quickly approaching we hope these ...

Visit to Syrian refugee camps

This past week, Conrad Sauvé, the Secretary General and CEO of the Canadian Red Cross, visited refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon where thousands of people are currently living after fleeing conflict in Syria. He met families who have lost their...

Woman loses home and important historical site in Bragg Creek

Barb Teghtmeyer lives in the community of Bragg Creek, 30 minutes south west of Calgary. Looking out from the side of where her house is on the edge of the river, you can see where the highway used to be, that’s now washed out. Teghtmeyer grew up the...

First steps to recovery in High River

The town of High River has been the focus of much of the attention since devastating flooding prompted a state of local emergency and the evacuation of its residents. This weekend, residents from one of the eight zones were allowed to return t...

06/26/13 - Update on Red Cross flood relief efforts in Alberta

Highly trained disaster management volunteers from across the country are on the ground working to provide relief to affected communities following extreme floods in Southern Alberta. Volunteers continue to support shelters or reception centres in...

Que savez-vous sur les tornades ?

Hier, en fin d’après-midi, un cône de nuage qui s’apparentait à une tornade a été aperçu dans la région de Villeroy. Heureusement, aucun dommage n’a été rapporté, mais une alerte de tornade a été émise à Thetford Mines. Que savez-vous sur les torn...

Dispatch from flooding response in Calgary

Many people are still out of their homes in Calgary and some 300 of them spent Saturday night at the Southland Leisure Centre. Volunteers from a variety of agencies all worked together to meet the needs of the evacuees. Canadian Red Cross voluntee...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
