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Après le déluge

Le printemps s’installe doucement après un hiver particulièrement long. Les inondations peuvent survenir en toute saison, mais c’est surtout au printemps qu’on a le plus souvent de « l’eau dans la cave ». Chaque année, des centaines de résidences su...

Photo of the Day: Water safety in Tanzania

Photo Credit: IFRC.orgCommunities near Lake Victoria in Tanzania rely on the lake for food, jobs, and enjoyment. Unfortunately, the water also comes with a certain element of danger including the potential for drownings and crocodile attacks. The loc...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross flag reaches the North Pole

On April 9, 2013, the Red Cross flag reached the northernmost point on the Earth. How cool! In celebration of 150 years of humanitarian action and the establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Lebanese international desert ru...

Photo of the Day: Tornado response and tips to prepare

Disaster response teams with the American Red Cross have been working tirelessly to provide relief to those affected by tornadoes and severe weather in Oklahoma. In this photo Red Cross volunteer Angela Clemins hugs Moore resident Donna Giedrocz....

Photo of the Day: Today is National Lifejacket Day!

Today, May 16 is National Lifejacket Day! Pictured above, the members of the National First Aid, Swimming and Water Safety team model their lifejackets in Kelowna for National Lifejacket Day. Did you know that 88 per cent of Canadians who drow...

D’instructeur à professeur d’université

Adolescente, Geneviève Audet rêvait de joindre l’équipe de sauveteurs de la piscine municipale de Sainte-Marie de Beauce. Devenue monitrice en sécurité aquatique  et surveillant-sauveteur à 17 ans, et instructeur en sécurité aquatique à 20 ans, elle ...

Help us help you be safe around water. Enter to win lifejackets!

With the May long-weekend fast approaching, the Red Cross and Mustang Survival have a special contest to help you get ready for another fun season of water activities. We know many of you will be looking forward to boating on the long weekend, but...

Photo of the day: 11-year-old saves his mom’s life

It is said that eating dinner as a family is an important thing to do, but did you ever think it might save your life? 11-year-old Connor McCarthy was having dinner with his family when his mom began to choke and could not breathe. Calmly, Con...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
