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Red Cross thanks Canadians for generous donations to Attawapiskat

[slideshow] Thanks to the swift and generous response of Canadians, the Red Cross has the funds needed to meet the immediate needs of the most vulnerable families in Attawapiskat. The Canadian Red Cross mandate in Attawapiskat is to provide sho...

Update from Attawapiskat: Photo Essay

*Photos by Johan Hallberg-Campbell[slideshow] Canadian Red Cross volunteers continue to work on the ground in Attawapiskat, delivering supplies to the homes of the community’s most vulnerable. The Red Cross is committed to making sure families ...

Photo of the Day: Image of the Red Cross’ founder

Every day, we publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know!Photo courtesy of the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) This image was taken at the recent...

Sending supplies to Attawapiskat

[slideshow] Canadian Red Cross volunteer photographer Johan Hallberg Campbell and I arrived in Timmins yesterday morning to work with the volunteers here helping with the Red Cross response in Attawapiskat. It’s the weekend and Timmins Red Cros...

World AIDS Day – Getting down to zero

December 1 is World AIDS Day, an opportunity to raise awareness about this disease which impacts millions around the world. Even though much progress has been made, by the end of 2010, an estimated 34 million people were living with HIV worldwide, up...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross aid in Attawapiskat

Every day, we publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! *This photo was taken by the CBC and posted on Twitter by reporter Adrienne Arsenault (@adriearsenault) ...

Photo of the Day: Kudos to Saskatchewan's community leaders

Every day, we publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! At National Philanthropy Day in Saskatoon earlier this month, Stephen and Tera Maguire won an Honoured Supporte...

Photo of the Day: Maldivian Red Crescent inducted into IFRC

*Guest entry by Michael Tomascik, Public Affairs team, OttawaEvery day, we publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! Yesterday morning at the 18th Federation Genera...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
