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Back to school bullying prevention tips

Summer is over and it's that time of year again! With the kids back in school we thought it'd be helpful to offer parents some bullying and cyberbullying tips. It's not only important for youth within schools to stand up to bullying, but for parents ...

Celebrate World First Aid Day by updating your first aid training

September 8 is World First Aid Day and the Canadian Red Cross is calling on all Canadians to ensure they have the skills needed to save lives when an emergency happens. This call to action is especially important in light of recent polling that s...

Rencontre avec un grand sportif

Les événements Bouge pour la Croix-Rouge approchent à grands pas. Cette semaine, nous nous sommes entretenus avec Daniel Blouin, athlète et entraîneur sportif professionnel qui participera à l’événement de Québec le 23 septembre prochain. Daniel c...

Photo of the Day: Canadian Red Cross training on the beach in Sherkston, Ontario

Last week, Canadian Red Cross First Aid Instructor Deb Demaine and Canadian Red Cross Summer Student Katie Holahan led a combined CPR/AED and Emergency Preparedness course for participants at Sherkston Shores in Sherkston, Ontario. The Sherkston co...

Tech Talk: Volunteer Spotlight

Meet one of our volunteers Joallore Alon. Joallore volunteers with the Red Cross, however he holds a volunteer position that most people are probably not familiar with. He is a member of the Canadian Red Cross Twitter Team – a group of keen Twitter u...

Photo of the Day: Even Miss Oktoberfest needs to be prepared

Brittany Graul might be the ambassador for Canada’s Greatest Bavarian Festival, but she’s also a champion for making sure families are prepared to take care of themselves in the event of a disaster. Brittany recently participated in the Disast...

Photo of the Day: The role of logistics in emergency response

Disaster response requires a lot of “behind the scenes” work to organize emergency relief supplies in all of the Red Cross warehouses. The warehouse in Manila contains enough supplies to provide for 15,000 families or approximately 75,000 peop...

Are you prepared for the Canadian National Exhibition?

The Canadian National Exhibition opened in Toronto last Friday and with the threat of the end of summer looming in the distance comes with it a dangerous combination of carnival games, food, and rides. Here at the Canadian Red Cross, we’ve put...

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
