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Shout out to Red Cross volunteers

Have you ever been affected by a disaster? Come by Walmart this weekend and say thanks to the volunteers who help the Canadian Red Cross deliver emergency assistance to people just like you. In support of the Canadian Red Cross Walmart campaign th...

Un kit de survie pour 30 personnes

Croyez-le ou non, ce petit baril d’huile peut réchauffer, nourrir et hydrater 30 personnes pendant deux jours! Hikaru Imamura, un jeune designer japonais a eu cette brillante idée à la suite du séisme qui s'est abattu sur son pays l’an dernier. L’exp...

Vegan dining in a disaster? You bet!

Across the country this week, Walmart is kicking off its annual fundraising campaign in support of the Red Cross. All funds raised at the till go toward helping the Red Cross respond to disasters -- such as fires, flooding, or power outages -- ri...

Nos Olympiques à nous!

Pendant que nous admirons les plus grands athlètes du monde entier réunis à Londres, nous lançons une invitation à tous les sportifs (et aussi aux moins sportifs) de se joindre aux événements-bénéfices « Bouge pour la Croix-Rouge » Il n’est pas néc...

Photo of the Day: Humanitarian relief in Syria

Humanitarian relief efforts continue in Syria. In this photo, Syrian Arab Red Crescent workers help register displaced people in Aleppo. As the violence continues to escalate and livelihoods are disrupted, many families have been forced to flee their...

Photo of the Day: Grande Prairie kicks off Walmart campaign

Guest entry by Gordon Lamb, Communications Assistant at the Canadian Red Cross in Alberta Walmart Canada officially launched its annual campaign for the Canadian Red Cross in Grande Prairie yesterday with the ambitious goal of raising $3.2 million. ...

Photo of the Day: Volunteers in Vietnam

This photo was recently posted on the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Facebook page. Around the world, Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers travel far and wide to help those in need. Seen here, a volunteer in Vietnam visits...

Keeping kids cool this summer

*Our friends at momstown.ca recently posted this blog by our own water safety expert, Shannon Scully-Pratt. We wanted to share this important information with you on how to keep kids cool this summer. We’ve had a series of heat waves across the coun...

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
