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Photo of the Day: Three Quinte women receive Rescuer Awards in community ceremony

Last Friday three women from Quinte, Ontario were each awarded Rescuer Awards for their actions that helped save the life of a man found unconscious in the water at Sandbanks Provincial Park. Tracy Markland, her daughter Hanna Vance, and Hanna's ...

Un sauvetage in extremis

Voici le témoignage troublant de Jonathan. Lui et sa famille ont tenu à partager leur histoire afin de sensibiliser les gens au port du gilet de sauvetage. À lire absolument. « Le 3 août 2013, notre famille et quelques amis étions à la plage du La...

Paths to Red Cross: How one Canadian became an international aid worker

We all have different stories of what drew us to work with the Red Cross. Chiran Livera, a Canadian aid worker currently working for the IFRC, was drawn to international aid work due to his love for travel and his desire to help those affected by d...

Photos: Walmart raising funds for Red Cross

[slideshow] From August 1 to 25, Walmart stores across Canada are participating in an annual fundraising campaign in support of Canadian Red Cross. The partnership between Canadian Red Cross and Walmart raises millions of dollars to support Red Cr...

Keeping cool - heat safety ideas inspired by kids

As the temperature rises across Canada again, we're looking for some of the best ideas to help you keep cool. Extensive exposure to heat can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. These tips and tricks are inspired by kids for kids - ...

Photo blog: World Humanitarian Day

Today, August 19, marks World Humanitarian Day - a day to pay tribute to all of the humanitarian workers who have lost their lives doing their job. Today, the Red Cross commemorates all volunteers and staff, especially those in Syria, where more ...

Photo of the Day: Team building gets dicey for Global Issues Symposium resource leaders

Guest blog by James Park Things are getting a bit dicey for the Global Issues Symposium for Youth team as they partake in a team building exercise to balance five dice on popsicle sticks. Every year, the Canadian Red Cross in British Columbia hosts ...

Dispatch from Namibia: Helping communities recover from flooding

Guest post by Chiran Livera, international Red Cross aid worker Namibia is a large country affected by a strange mix of disasters: both droughts and floods. Earlier this year, floods affected the north eastern part of the country, where it borders...

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