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It takes a village to raise a child

To mark International Women's Day, we share a story from Mali, where the Canadian Red Cross is working to improve women and children's health.

Over 274 Malian children under the age of five die every day, mainly from preventable causes. Since 2012, the Canadian and Malian Red Cross Societies have been working together to implement a maternal, newborn, and child health project to deliver Basic Healthcare in the Community.

Emergency field hospital handed over to Philippine Red Cross

More than three months after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, the Canadian Red Cross has handed over the field hospital it deployed in November 2013 to the Philippine Red Cross. This will allow the Philippine Red Cross to provide basic health care to a community of 30,000 people in the event of a future emergency. 

New Social Ambassador: Jamie-Leigh Cuthbertson

We welcome Jamie-Leigh Cuthbertson as our newest Social Ambassador. Jamie had been part of the social media team as consultant but now continues as a volunteer to support the Canadian Red Cross’ online presence.

Photo of the Day: Volunteers providing first aid in Ukraine

Since protests began in November 2013, the Ukrainian Red Cross' emergency response teams have been providing first aid for those wounded on both sides. They assisted more than 660 people last week during the escalation of violence in Kiev. They are continuing to provide support to those who need it.

Swelling Numbers of People Displaced by Crisis in CAR

The humanitarian situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) has forced close to one million people from their homes. Despite the challenges, Red Cross volunteers in CAR are doing what they can to help. Meanwhile, the Cameroon Red Cross has been assisting refugees arriving in their country. The Canadian Red Cross and the International Red Cross Red Crescent movement have deployed delegates and resources to support the response.

Photos: Young Faces of Typhoon Haiyan Relief

It has been just over three months since Typhoon Haiyan ravaged the Philippines. Red Cross has been providing relief to communities in need of food, shelter, clean water and medical assistance. Several National Red Cross Societies including the Canadian Red Cross continue to provide assistance and raise funds to boost the Philippine Red Cross’ plan to support the long-term recovery of 100,000 families in the worst affected areas over the next two years.

Video update from South Sudan

In this video, the head of operations for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Africa, Eric Marclay, provides an update on how the Red Cross is responding to the emergency needs of families in South Sudan and explains how recovery will take time.

Share the Love

We’re celebrating Valentine’s Day by showing love and appreciation to our supporters, volunteers, donors, staff members and friends. With their support and contributions, the Canadian Red Cross is able to help families during disasters, offer first aid and water safety training, provide loans of health care equipment, empower youth to prevent bullying and so much more.

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
