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Photo of the Day: Syrian Red Crescent volunteers in action in Homs

For the past month, the Homs branch of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent with support from the IFRC has been delivering food aid and helping rebuild destroyed communities in Syria that had been besieged by conflict.

Volunteer Spotlight: Fifty years of volunteering keeps Florence Barron fit

For Canadian Red Cross volunteer Florence Barron, 76, running and swimming keep her physically healthy while giving her free time to volunteering keeps her mentally healthy. Florence has been volunteering for the past 50 years, recently receiving the Order of the Red Cross.

World Refugee Day: How Red Cross supports refugees in Canada

By the time you finish reading this blog post, approximately 100 people will have been forced to flee their homes because of war, famine or a natural disaster. June 20th marks World Refugee Day, and this year’s theme is '1 family torn apart by war is too many'.

Flooding in Alberta: Tips to help you stay safe during a flood

As rain continues to fall on the already saturated ground throughout Southern Alberta this week, Red Cross staff and volunteers are providing relief to the many individuals and families impacted by rising rivers and wide-spread flooding. Red Crossers are in communities, mobilizing supplies such as cots, hygiene kits and blankets, assisting with a reception centre and shelter, and registering evacuees to ensure they receive the help they need. The effects of flooding can be devastating, but there are ways for individuals to help keep themselves safe.

Thank you to Alberta flood volunteers and staff

As the Alberta Flood anniversary approaches, we at Red Cross are naturally focused on the work still ahead of us. That’s because we know hundreds of families are still struggling to recover.  Even now, people arrive at our offices with heartbreaking stories. Often, their financial credit is maxed out and they don’t know where else to turn. In the midst of this need, it can be tough to take time to recognize everything that’s already been accomplished during the Canadian Red Cross Alberta Flood response. But of course, that’s equally important. So today, Red Cross says a special thank you to all the staff and volunteers who work so hard to help others.

Deux travailleurs humanitaires de Sherbrooke préparent l’ouverture d’un hôpital de campagne de la Croix-Rouge en Jordanie

Patrick Raymond et Dre Anne Méziat-Burdin, deux employés du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS), préparent l’ouverture d’un hôpital de campagne de la Croix-Rouge en Jordanie, afin de fournir des soins de santé aux réfugiés syriens contraints de fuir leur résidence en raison du conflit.

Alberta floods: One year later High River family moves forward with thanks

Slabs of fresh sod draw subtle lines along the High River field where Andrea Vasquez’s kids play soccer now. Just as the park shows few signs of last year’s devastating floods, Vasquez says her family also refuses to be defined by the disaster.

Boating tips to enjoy your summer safely

It feels like summer is finally here and it's time to enjoy some favourite water activities, such as boating. As we mark Water Safety Week, we would like to remind you of some safety rules that could keep you and your fellow boaters safe this summer.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
