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Sometimes it takes a team to save a life

April 13, 2014, will forever mark a memorable practice for the Abreast with FORTitude dragon boat team. The team, made up of breast cancer survivors, were midway through a practice when their coach and steersperson heard a man cry for help from the fast-flowing waters of the Fraser River in British Columbia. They quickly jumped to action and paddled fiercely upstream for over 500 metres to reach the man in time. When they were close enough, they threw their extra PFD and a life bag to him and towed him to the safety of a nearby dock. 

Are you prepared for a disaster? Take the quiz!

Are you prepared in times of emergency? Canadian families should have supplies and resources to take care of themselves in disasters until help arrives.
Take this short quiz to determine how prepared you are in case disaster strikes.

Canadian Red Cross delegate discusses bridging gaps in the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone

Dana Carr recently returned from Sierra Leone where she served as a Canadian Red Cross delegate to assist in the fight against the Ebola outbreak. 

Round-up: Red Cross responds to emergencies in El Salvador and South Sudan

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Photo du jour : la Croix-Rouge chinoise intervient à la suite du séisme au Yunnan

Dimanche dernier, un séisme d’une magnitude de 6,5 a secoué la province du Yunnan en Chine. La Croix-Rouge chinoise a d’abord distribué 2 000 trousses familiales contenant des articles de première nécessité pour les familles déplacées ainsi que des couvertures et des vestes. Des équipes de recherche et de sauvetage des provinces voisines ont été déployées pour la recherche de survivants, une tâche rendue difficile en raison des répliques, des glissements de terrain et des débris accumulés.

Photo of the Day: Red Cross in China responding to Yunnan earthquake

A strong 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck the Yunnan province of China on Sunday. The Red Cross Society of China has initially mobilized 2,000 family kits, containing household items for families displaced from their homes, as well as quilts and jackets.

Ebola takes no rest on the weekend

Finally, a break in the weather this morning. There is still a mugginess to the air, but it is overcast and definitely cooler than the often overwhelming heat of the last few days. It’s Sunday, a day which is usually quieter for families, regardless of where they live in the world. But these are not usual times in Kailahun, Sierra Leone.

Ebola virus disease has invaded this country, spreading not just its deadly reach, but fear, denial and stigma. It is not politics, religion, or tribal feuds which is ripping at the fabric of communities, it is the unknown.

Food Friday: There’s nothing like a BBQ to start the long weekend!

Red Crossers Colleen Lowe and Terrellyn Fearn grilled up a storm during a special summer BBQ celebration. More than 75 staff at the Ontario Red Cross head office took a break to enjoy the summer weather (or should we call it the it’s-not-winter weather?!) and burgers, hot dogs and other goodies. 

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
