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Top tips for boating safety

Red Cross boating safety staff have been on the road visiting lakes, beaches and other bodies of water throughout the Atlantic provinces this summer to promote boating and water safety. They have been tweeting about their travels and experiences through @boatsafeatl and we wanted to share some of their helpful tips and photos to help you stay safe this long weekend.

Lessons in injury prevention

Five weeks ago I learned a very painful lesson to slow down and focus on the task at hand (no pun intended) when using power tools.

Round-up: Red Cross responds to emergencies in Iraq and Syria

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

The story of a woman, a man, and a snake: challenging Ebola myths

A woman living in the far eastern regions of Sierra Leone was going on a trip. As a member of something similar to a regional council, her duties often took her away from home. As she bid goodbye to her husband, she looked him in the eye and very seriously told him about a box that was in their room beside their bed. She told him that under no uncertain terms was he to open the box while she was gone.

Ces dames derrière les soldats

Cette année marque le 100e anniversaire de la Première Guerre mondiale et le 70e anniversaire du débarquement de Normandie en 1944. Même si la majorité des bénévoles actifs à ces deux époques ne sont plus parmi nous aujourd’hui, leur courage et leur dévouement inspireront toujours un profond respect.

Keeping my cool with no air conditioner

The summer’s sun is what gets me through Canadian winters. When my friend decided to get married in Cuba in July, I embraced the imminent heat with a welcoming ‘bring it on’.  Most days I don’t use my little air conditioner, but when it broke recently and temperatures reached into the 30s, I had to get practical about keeping my cool.

Quick thinking saves a life and leads to a Rescuer Award

The quick thinking and heroism Jared Nieboer displayed on a crisp Saturday morning in October was recently recognized by the Canadian Red Cross.  The Alberta man was presented with a Red Cross Rescuer Award last month for the actions he took to save a man from a car accident.

En images - Le Croissant-Rouge palestinien prodigue des premiers soins à Gaza

Le Mouvement de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge participe activement aux opérations humanitaires à Gaza. De nouvelles photographies illustrent les opérations d’évacuation des blessés. 

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
