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Photo of the day: Six-year-old Zeyan donates to Nepal for his birthday

It was a great surprise at our Burnaby, B.C. office as six-year-old Zeyan Walji dropped off a whopping $881 to support the Canadian Red Cross Nepal Region Earthquake Fund. Zeyan asked his friends and family for cash donations to help people in Nepal, in lieu of other gifts for his birthday.

Building community resilience in South Sudan: Video

In 2011, the Canadian Red Cross, with support from the Government of Canada, began the Building Community Resilience Project in South Sudan, supporting the South Sudan Red Cross. Over the course of four years, the project aimed to reach some 25,000 beneficiaries, increasing their capacity to address their food security need.


Syria crisis collaboration: Canadian Red Cross welcomes Secretary General of Homs Branch from SARC

The Canadian Red Cross has had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Moataz Al-Atassi, Secretary General of Homs Branch from the Syrian Arab Red Cresent (SARC), during his visit to Canada.  For two days, Dr. Atassi met with the Canadian Red Cross to discuss the Syria crisis and explained the reality faced by SARC staff and volunteers to provide humanitarian assistance in Syria.

First aid tips and resources for wilderness adventures

When it’s as beautiful outdoors as it has been this summer, it’s a great time of year to enjoy nature. Before you set out for the great outdoors, are you prepared in case of an emergency? Whether you’re hiking, camping or enjoying other backcountry adventures, know what to do in case of emergency when medical care isn’t close by.

Connecting to a cause: Robert Whitelaw and the Strength and Spirit Campaign

The goal of the Strength and Spirit campaign may have been to build strength and resilience in First Nations communities, but what it also uncovered was one man’s passion and commitment to the region he grew up in. Robert Whitelaw, better known as Bob, was a family man who put great emphasis on building strong relationships. This ultimately became his legacy and it was all prompted by the Canadian Red Cross Strength and Spirit Campaign.

A new beginning for the patient known as "Mr. Smiley"

The message read “Today, August 4, we transported our dear Mr. Smiley and his brother to Dhulikhel Spinal Cord Injury”. It was sent by Red Cross nurse Kirsty Robertson of Toronto who is part of the current Canadian Red Cross team working at the field hospital in rural Dhunche, Nepal. She was eager to share Mr. Smiley’s happy outcome, as it has been a team effort.

Photo of the day: Red Cross responding to flooding in Myanmar

Heavy rains and damage from Cyclone Komen have caused extensive flooding and landslides in many parts of Myanmar. The Myanmar Red Cross Society is estimating that 178,000 people have been affected across 12 regions and states. It is expected that the number of people affected by this disaster will increase in the coming days as Red Cross teams reach remote areas and assess the damage.

Les feux de forêt en Saskatchewan : merci

Merci de votre soutien qui nous a permis d'aider plus de 10 000 personnes évacuées en raison des feux de forêt dans le nord de la Saskatchewan.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
