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Teri Shalala and her son Élie share a Red Cross connection

Mary Teresa Shalala, or Teri to her friends, has been a Walmart associate in Vaudreuil-Dorion for eight years. While the mother of four works evenings and nights taking inventory, her 33-year-old son Élie Langevin is often busy helping people affected by disasters. Despite their differing realities, they share something beyond a family bond: a passion for helping disaster victims. Teri does so through her employer, which has supported the Canadian Red Cross for 14 years, and Élie volunteers for the organization in Quebec.

What to do if someone is experiencing a stroke

When a health emergency happens to someone in your presence, it can be overwhelming on many levels. It can be quite shocking to witness someone choking, having a heart attack or diabetic emergency. Everyday emergencies can include broken bones, bleeding, burns, allergic reactions, and seizures to name a few. However, to help improve your ability to help in such an emergency, it helps to be prepared with first aid – this knowledge could help you save someone’s life!

Des millions de personnes affectées par une grave sécheresse dans l’Est et le Sud de l’Afrique

En raison de la plus grave sécheresse que l’Afrique australe et l’Afrique orientale aient connue depuis des décennies, des dizaines de millions de personnes manquent de nourriture. Rien qu’en Somalie, en Éthiopie et au Kenya, on estime que 15 millions de personnes ont désespérément besoin d’aide alimentaire.

Through the Smoke – A Fort McMurray Family’s Evacuation Story

The unthinkable happened one day for Sheila Champion and her family. The rest of the country watched in disbelief through various news mediums, as wildfires threatened the city of Fort McMurray. The Champion family, along with approximately 88,000 other residents, were forced from their home, facing the uncertainty of not knowing if they would ever be able to return. 

Winter First Aid: “Mom, I can’t see anything!”

Asking children to wear sunglasses isn’t just to make them look cooler and cuter. When you go outside to play with your child in the winter, don’t forget that his or her little bright eyes are more sensitive than yours

Canadian Red Cross aid workers answer your questions

Have you ever been curious about the doctors, nurses, social workers and technicians the Red Cross sends overseas when a disaster strikes? Who are they? What inspires them to do humanitarian aid work? On February 9, eight Canadian Red Cross aid workers answered questions like these, submitted by Canadians from across the country,

Photos: Update on drought in Ethiopia

The worst drought in decades threatens to leave tens of millions of people in the region of eastern and southern Africa without enough food. Canadian Red Cross CEO Conrad Sauvé and other Canadian Red Cross representatives were in Ethiopia this week to meet with the Ethiopian Red Cross. 

Three powerful ways parents can help a child who is being bullied

Your child is being bullied. You want to do everything you can to help her to feel safe and loved, but you’re not quite sure what to do or what to say. Here are a few tips.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
