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Round-up: Updates from Peru, Syria and Africa

​The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. Here is an update on Red Cross response to flooding in Peru, delivering aid in Syria, and the drought in Africa.

Ice safety for spring

With spring nearing, many of us winter-worn Canadians are looking forward to warmer temperatures. While spring is in the air, it’s still important to keep ice safety in mind, especially as milder weather affects most ice conditions.

Responding to local disasters with help from the community

It was early on a Sunday morning in January last winter when the message began to sound over the loudspeakers of a 17-storey apartment building on Rebecca Street in Hamilton, Ontario. Due to flooding, tenants were being asked to evacuate.

How the Red Cross is responding to drought in Ethiopia on the ground level

​Ethiopia is currently experiencing a number of disasters, including drought and conflict, especially in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia are currently in the grip of a severe drought, the result of failed spring and autumn rains in 2016. Millions are impacted. The Canadian Red Cross is working with the Ethiopia Red Cross to help strengthen their capacity to respond to disasters and emergencies. 

La transformation de Munir grâce aux bons soins de la clinique de malnutrition

Le mois de mars marque la sixième année de la crise en Syrie. Depuis que le conflit a éclaté dans le pays, des millions de personnes ont été contraintes de quitter leur foyer. Ce récit provient d’une clinique de malnutrition gérée par le Croissant-Rouge arabe syrien. 

The transformation of baby Munir with help from malnutrition clinic in Syria

When his mother first brought Munir to the Syrian Arab Red Crescent malnutrition clinic in Al Tal, Rural Damascus, he was so fragile the doctors couldn’t measure him. Munir was five-months-old but weighed just over 2 kilograms – less than his own birth weight. He looked exhausted, worryingly thin, and was unable to sit or hold up his head without his mother’s help.

Having a safe cold weather adventure

There is nothing I love more than being cozy and warm on a cold day. So it might seem a little odd that I opted to take a winter vacation in Yellowknife, NWT. I got a little nervous about the cold, so  I decided to learn as much as I can about how to stay safe and warm in the freezing cold, and what to do in the event of a cold-related emergency.  

Update on 'worst drought in decades' in eastern Africa

With severe drought threatening the lives of millions of people in eastern Africa, urgent food assistance will be needed for an estimated 15 million people in the three countries of Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya alone. It is considered the worst drought in decades. David Fogden, Canadian Red Cross disaster management delegate, was one of these team members to visit hard-hit areas and saw how the drought has a cascading effect on livelihoods, families and communities.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
