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Summer first aid: the bugs are back!

On a nice sunny day, a friend of mine was playing with her infant nephew at their cottage out in the woods. When the kid accidently hit a nest of wasps with the ball, the annoyed insects quickly launched a group attack on all the humans in the vicinity.

5 reasons to wear a lifejacket

With summer finally here, some of you will certainly be heading out on a boat. Whether you’re in a motorized boat or a canoe, one universal rule applies to all boaters: wearing a lifejacket or a personal flotation device (PFD) can save your life.

En route vers les vacances

Pendant que vous faites la liste d’écoute de vos chansons préférées et effectuez vos recherches pour trouver des paysages grandioses pour mettre à l’arrière-plan de vos autoportraits ou l’emplacement du musée le plus insolite du Canada, prenez quelques minutes pour vous assurer que votre voyage soit aussi sécuritaire qu’inoubliable.

Tech Talk: How Facebook can help in disasters

Last week, Facebook announced it was partnering with humanitarian organizations including the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) to help fill a data gap that occurs when a disaster strikes.

World Refugee Day: Stories of challenges and successes

It’s World Refugee Day on June 20th and to mark it, we’re highlighting some of our stories from this year on the challenges and successes of those who had to flee their homes.

Tips for new homeowners

Moving homes is always a daunting task with many details to remember, organize or update. Whether you’re moving into a new house or renting an apartment, the task of packing and moving is challenging enough, so make it easier with these tips.

What I learned from being totally unprepared for an emergency

A recent power outage left me wishing I'd been better prepared - and helped me learn how I can be ready for next time. 

Summer first aid: Watch out for ticks and Lyme disease

When the vet told me that my cat had ticks that could be harmful to me, I felt a sudden tingle run down my spine. Luckily, the little black dots in my bed hadn’t yet eaten me alive or given me Lyme disease.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
