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Electric shock drowning: what is it and how to prevent it

​Electric shock drowning is relatively new given the rise of power-driven docks in recent decades but its consequences can be severe; it’s important to consider safety when around water and electricity. Electric shock could happen when electric current leaks into the surrounding body of water, causing the water to become energized.

Regina volunteer Ross Pratt: Giving back is a family value

For Ross Pratt it was an easy decision to leave Regina and volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross as the organization supports evacuees from the B.C. wildfires.

Volunteerism is in his blood.

Myth busting: Should you really pee on a jellyfish sting?

Planning to go to the beach this summer? If you happen to cross paths with an angry jellyfish and you get stung, please know that there is no need to embarrass yourself by asking a friend to pee on your wound. 

Are you ready for summer thunderstorms?

I have always loved summer thunderstorms, even when the house shakes after a violent thunderclap. But when you live in the woods, power outages caused by violent thunderstorms are quite common. 

Holding the family together in a disaster

Williams Lake grandmother Marlene Johnnie is the glue holding her family together during the B.C. wildfire crisis.

What it was like working in a cholera treatment centre with the Red Cross

Jenna Atchison is a nurse from Ottawa. This year, she traveled to east Africa to work in a cholera treatment centre. Jenna took a moment to share her experience with us. 

Premiers soins d'été : comment évitez que votre enfant ressemble à un homard

Rien n’évoque autant l’été que de voir des enfants s’amuser et courir au grand air, pleins de vie et d’énergie. Par contre, personne ne veut voir un enfant souffrir d’un coup de soleil  et c’est pourquoi il vaut mieux prévenir que guérir. En fait, nous devrions tous prendre les précautions nécessaires pour éviter les coups de soleil, car ceux-ci peuvent entraîner des effets secondaires et des conséquences graves.

Essentials tips for wildfire recovery

Over the next days and weeks, thousands of evacuees from wildfires in British Columbia will be returning to their home and the Red Cross will be there to assist them all through recovery. 


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