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Hurricane Irma: What the Canadian Red Cross is doing to help

So far, an estimated 1.2 million people have been impacted by Hurricane Irma and the powerful storm still poses a serious threat to millions more as it continues to barrel through the Caribbean.

The Red Cross is on the ground, responding to the needs of people who have already been affected, while still ramping up readiness in areas where the category 5 hurricane has yet to make landfall.The Canadian Red Cross already has a presence in the area and is in contact with the International Federation of the Red Cross to support the mobilization of regional teams.

Keeping your kids safe online

Here are 10 safety tips to help introduce your kids to the online world, as well as a few pointers on how to protect their privacy.

Solar power means a brighter future for healthcare

Imagine relying on candlelight to be able to deliver heathcare. In remote parts of Liberia’s Bomi county, this has been the reality for healthcare workers - and is one of the examples that Sayba Tamba, Secretary General of the Liberian Red Cross Society when she said, “the state of health facilities in Bomi demands immediate intervention if we are to save lives.” 

Improving the lives of women and children in South Sudan

Jennifer Vibert, Program Officer at the Canadian Red Cross, recently returned from South Sudan, where the Red Cross, with support from the Government of Canada, is implementing a five-year (2014–2019) mother, newborn and child health project.

Jennifer tells us more about the work the Canadian Red Cross is doing to improve  the lives of women and children in South Sudan.

Telus employees on helping to welcome home residents after BC fires

When Telus employee Nerissa Muxlow was asked to describe her experience volunteering at the Resiliency Centre in Williams Lake, B.C., she only had one word.

Meet a Red Crosser: International aid worker Jean-Baptiste Lacombe

Jean-Baptiste Lacombe recently joined the Canadian Red Cross as Rapid Response Manager with the Emergency Response Team. He answered some questions for us about working as an international aid worker and his new role with the Red Cross.

Day of the Disappeared: Restoring Family Links

Every day, thousands of people are looking for family members who are missing. On August 30, humanitarians around the world are recognizing the Day of the Disappeared, which acknowledges the need to identify and document the fate of people who are missing and to provide support for family members left behind. 

Safety tips for when you're living alone for the first time

So, you’re out on your own. Living on your own for the first time is exciting – and can also be a little intimidating. While we can’t help with roommates who use up all the paper towels and never replace them, or upstairs neighbours who practice their tap dancing at all hours, we can offer a bit of advice for how to help make your new home safer. 

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