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The Gathering Centre: A place of friendship in Ontario’s North

Learn more about The Gathering Centre, a Red Cross program which focuses on bringing together elders in the First Nations community in Peawanuck. 

10 choses à dire à votre enfant pour l'Halloween

Alors que les p’tits monstres se préparent fébrilement pour leur grande sortie costumée, voici 10 conseils de sécurité pour assurer un retour au bercail en toute quiétude.  Vous n’avez surement rien à craindre des vampires et des sorcières, mais les risques que votre enfant se brûle, se blesse ou s’égare n’ont rien d’imaginaire. 

10 things your child needs to know for Halloween

While little monsters are gearing up for their big night out in costume, here are 10 safety tips to ensure they get home hassle-free after trick-or-treating. There's certainly nothing to fear from vampires and witches, but the risk of your child getting burned, injured or lost is real.

6 costumes d’Halloween inspirés de la Croix-Rouge

Vous ne savez pas quel costume revêtir cette année? Au lieu de dépoussiérer vos vieux costumes de sorcière ou de fantôme, essayez l’une de nos suggestions farfelues! 

After the evacuation, giving back through volunteering

When Williams Lake resident Cindy Lahaise returned home after having to evacuate this summer, she decided she wanted to help her community recover. Cindy jumped at the chance to become a volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross at her local resiliency centre. 

Recognizing three outstanding water safety volunteers with Order of Red Cross

This week, at the World Conference on Drowning Prevention in Vancouver, three outstanding water safety volunteers were inducted as members of the Order of Red Cross - our society's highest honour - in recognition for their years of dedication.
In appreciation of their ongoing commitment to the community, we are pleased to welcome Anne Porteous, Wayne Little and Janice Makepeace to the Order of the Red Cross!

Child protection update from makeshift settlements in Bangladesh

As thousands continue to flee violence in Myanmar, children who are unaccompanied or who have been separated from their parents and guardians rely on the protection of others - here is how the Red Cross and Red Crescent is helping. 

Red Cross providing critical health services for people fleeing violence in Rakhine

The first full day of the Red Cross Red Crescent field hospital in Bangladesh saved the life of 8-month-old Mohammed Haris.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
