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Before the storm hit: Strengthening disaster preparation and response in Nicaragua

Learn how through the support of a Canadian Red Cross initiative, the Nicaraguan Red Cross' disaster preparedness and response system had been strengthened, allowing them to be ready when Hurricane Nate hit earlier this year. 

Responding to the needs of a fleeing population in Bangladesh

Imagine having to escape violence in your home country. You pick up what you can, but you need to leave right now, what would you take? There are thousands of others doing the same. The violence may be right at your door, you may become separated from family and friends in the chaos. Now you need to travel to another country and find shelter there. ​Since October 2016, this has been the reality for hundreds of thousands of people who have fled violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar into Bangladesh.

Myanmar crisis: Red Cross workers share firsthand experiences

A child’s terrible drawing of violence in Myanmar. People in crowded Bangladesh camps gently welcoming those who want to help them. Eager volunteers from the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society also pitching in with much-needed assistance. Just days after arriving, these are a few early impressions from members of the Canadian Red Cross mobile medical team and their Mexican Red Cross colleagues.

Conseils pratiques contre le rhume et la grippe

Lorsque j’ai attrapé un rhume en septembre après avoir passé du temps avec mon neveu, lui-même contaminé par ses camarades de la maternelle, ceux de mon entourage qui présentaient les mêmes symptômes ont tout de suite pensé à des allergies. Ne souffrant d’aucune allergie, j’ai compris qu’il s’agissait d’un rhume... et un bien vilain rhume, qui m’avait bloqué les sinus et donné une méchante toux sèche.

Dr. Salim Sohani: a life-long passion to help others

For Dr. Salim Sohani, a 35-year career in medicine, global health, and health promotion is not a job, but a passion. “It’s fulfilling and satisfying because it gives me the opportunity to make a difference and put a smile on the face of people,” says Dr. Sohani, a medical doctor who joined the Canadian Red Cross in 2008 after years of humanitarian work in Africa.  

Les fondements de la Croix-Rouge : le principe d'indépendance

Tout ce qu’accomplit le Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge est régi par sept principes fondamentaux : l’humanité, l’impartialité, la neutralité, l’indépendance, le volontariat, l’unité et l’universalité. Savez-vous ce que ces principes veulent dire au juste? Aujourd’hui, nous examinerons de plus près le deuxième principe fondamental : l’indépendance.

Fall survival guide

Fall – a time for apple-picking and breath-taking foliage. It’s also the season where a lot of us feel our energy levels drop as the sun sets earlier and earlier. Here are a few tips to get through fall relatively painlessly!

Red Cross Vice President of International Operations: Reflections from Cuba

Earlier this month, Canadian Red Cross Vice President of International Operations, Hossam Elsharkawi travelled to Cuba after Hurricane Irma ravaged the country. Here he shares some of the experiences he had alongside his colleagues, Lai-Ling lee, Head of Americas Region and David Campfens, Regional Representative for the Americas. 

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
