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Photo of the Day: Honouring Atlantic Canadian volunteers!

This week marks National Volunteer Week and the Canadian Red Cross in Atlantic Canada marked the occasion by honouring more than 650 of their own volunteers with milestone and merit awards, service and distinguished service awards, and the Order ...

Video: What it means to be a volunteer

Canadian Red Cross Volunteer, Susan MacKenzie, has responded to disasters across North America.  From the Northern Alberta wildfires to Hurricane Sandy, she is always putting others before herself. Without volunteers like Sandy the Canadian Re...

Volunteer Spotlight: On the road with Rick

Since retiring from his job as a papermaker, Rick Allen has been a devoted Red Cross volunteer with the Senior Transportation Program in Dryden, Ontario, driving anywhere and anytime he was asked. In fact, since 2010, Rick has driven more than 31...

Photo of the Day: Canadian Red Cross helps a little one

Five-year-old Alyssa from Truro, Nova Scotia found herself in quite a predicament, recently, after having injured her foot upon accidently colliding with her dog Bailey. After an exhaustive search for tiny crutches in her hometown went nowhere, a...

Photo of the Day: Timmins Girl Guides learn personal preparedness

A group of Girl Guides in Timmins, Ontario received a visit from Serenna Besserer, a disaster management coordinator, to learn more about personal preparedness. The Girl Guides have always focused on developing the skills they need to be prepared...

Tech Talk: #DLWS and what it all means

Have you ever seen the #dlws hashtag on Twitter? It's usually associated with an offhand comment or complaint about the weather. You may have used it to make your own observations too. But do you know what it all means on a larger scale? By the time...

CPR & Mad Men: Confidence from the boardroom to a cardiac emergency

TV's favourite ad men and women returned to television screens across North America last night and if you saw the latest episode you can probably understand why we're interested in a particular scene. Don and Megan's doorman suffers a sudden car...

World Health Day - Providing care where it's most needed

Many people around the world today are marking World Health Day. World Health Day was celebrated on Sunday, April 7 to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization, the UN’s health agency. Health services are one of the c...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
