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Photos: Red Cross provides relief in Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan

The Canadian Red Cross is working closely with the Philippine Red Cross to provide relief to the millions affected by Typhoon Haiyan which caused widespread damage including landslides and flooding. The Philippine Red Cross is supporting local...

Remembering Canadian Red Cross Volunteers in WWII

This Remembrance Day we're remembering the Canadian Red Cross volunteers who helped with the Food Parcel Effort. Throughout World War II, over one million Canadian Red Cross volunteers helped with the food parcel effort by assembling, packaging and s...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. INTERNATIONAL: In recent years, the issue of menstrual hygiene management in post-conflict and post-disaster settings has increasingly draw...

Que trouve-t-on dans le coffre de votre voiture?

Voilà déjà revenu le moment de changer les pneus, de remettre la pelle dans l'auto et de se munir d'antigel. Mais ce n'est pas tout! Pour prévoir l'imprévisible, nous vous recommandons de garder une véritable trousse d'urgence en tout temps dans votr...

Tech Talk: Crowdsourcing during emergencies in Kenya

The 2013 World Disasters Report offers a good study of crowdsourcing and the role of digital volunteers in emergencies. Many Red Cross societies around the world are exploring how they can crowdsource and communicate information through social med...

10 conseils de sécurité pour l'Halloween

Alors que les p’tits monstres se préparent fébrilement pour leur grande sortie costumée, la Croix-Rouge canadienne vous offre ses 10 meilleurs conseils de sécurité pour assurer un retour au bercail en toute quiétude. Peut-être n’avez-vous rien à crai...

Photo of the Day: Families in crisis In Syria

In its third year, the fighting in Syria is growing increasingly intense and the humanitarian crisis is rapidly growing. Millions are internally displaced in Syria and even more are without access to food, medical supplies and services. Families,...

Photo of the Day: Burning love

While many families and individuals have been affected by the New South Wales Bushfires, the Australian Red Cross is lending lots of love and support to those in need. Hundreds of staff and volunteers are in evacuation centres across New South Wa...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
