Plus récents billets

Worried sick – Red Cross Red Crescent hospital cares for Syrian refugees with mental health needs

Looking around Azraq refugee camp, in Jordan’s north-eastern desert, life seems peaceful, if rudimentary. Children run and play in the camp’s streets, parents shop at the central supermarket, and social and religious activities are growing as refugee families re-establish connections with neighbours. Some Syrian residents can be seen with crutches or other medical equipment, recovering from lingering wounds or long-untreated chronic illnesses.

Meals on Wheels: Providing more than food

Many of us have heard the term Meals on Wheels and understand the gist of what it entails, but the Canadian Red Cross program offers more than you might expect.

Stories of surviving Ebola

Despite contracting Ebola, many patients in West Africa are recovering from the virus and returning to their lives with joy and a bit of fear due to stigmatization.

Mamadou and Patricia share their journey to recovery and reintegration into their community.

Helping people to hope: Canadian nurse writes from Ebola treatment centre in Sierra Leone

Patrice Gordon, a British Columbia nurse practitioner and Red Cross delegate, is currently working at the Red Cross Ebola treatment centre in Kenema, Sierra Leone. She writes:

"I want a magic wand to get rid of this virus. But I'm glad I'm here. We are helping to give people their greatest chance for survival. It's hard to feel fully human inside our PPE (protective gear), but people can feel our touch, hear our voices, and see our eyes caring for them. We are helping people to still hope, when they have many reasons to feel hopeless."

Offrez ce qui compte : petit guide cadeaux des Fêtes

Vous cherchez des cadeaux significatifs pour montrer votre affection à un être cher? Voici quelques idées de cadeaux généreux.

Giving what matters: Our holiday gift guide

If you’re still looking for some great and meaningful gift ideas to show someone you truly care, here are some of our suggestions:

Red Cross Red Crescent hospital a sign of hope to Syrian refugees who have suffered extreme loss

Yasmin sits in the paediatric ward of the Red Cross Red Crescent hospital in Azraq refugee camp, holding her two-month-old twin boys as they cough and wheeze. She appears calm and composed as she rubs the back of first Nadim and then Mohammed Nur. Both boys have developed an infection in the airways that lead to their lungs. The twins were born in Jordan days after Yasmin, 28, crossed the border as a refugee with her husband and two children.

Round-up: Red Cross responds to emergencies in the Maldives and West Africa

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
