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Alberta student makes giving a part of life

It has always been in Tory Dalrymple's nature to give back. On her eighth birthday, she asked her guests to donate to charity instead of bringing a gift. Since then, the 13-year-old from High River, Alberta, has made giving a part of her life. After learning about the Ebola crisis in school, she set her sights on making a donation to the Red Cross. 

3 things you need to know to survive your beach vacation

Like most Canadians, I am itching to ditch the cold and lie on a beach somewhere. I’m searching for travel deals and getting insider tips on the best places to go. I’m also making sure I can enjoy my whole vacation and get back in one piece! I’m a Red Crosser so ‘safety first’ is one of our unspoken mottos. Here are a few things to remember if you’re looking to head south like me.

Canadian aid worker describes remarkable encounters at Ebola treatment centre

Social worker Lindsay Jones has just recently returned home to Ottawa after working at the Red Cross Ebola treatment centre in Kenema, Sierra Leone. She was there to provide psychosocial support to patients being treated for the virus. She’s been describing her experiences on her blog and recently in this CBC interview. We share this excerpt.

Haïti, cinq ans après le séisme : un rétablissement sans précédent

À la suite du tremblement de terre de 7,0 qui a frappé Haïti en 2010, la population d’ici et les différents paliers de gouvernement ont donné 222 M$ en soutien aux opérations de secours et de rétablissement de la Croix-Rouge canadienne. Il s’agissait de la plus grande intervention de l’organisme dans un seul pays : un Haïtien sur deux, soit environ cinq millions de personnes, ont reçu l’aide de la Croix-Rouge.

Haiti recovering five years after devastating earthquake

It was the largest Red Cross response ever to a single country. The Red Cross helped one in two Haitians, about five million people. After the 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, individual Canadians and governments generously donated $222 million to the Canadian Red Cross to support the tremendous emergency and recovery efforts. 

Fight Ebola by spreading facts, not fears

While much of the attention around the current Ebola outbreak has been on treating patients, combating the fears, stigma and myths associated with the virus is another important component of the Red Cross response.

Drought in Honduras affects hard to reach communities

I’ll admit it. I’m not much of a hiker. If I had to choose, I would pick reading a book on the beach to hiking mountains any day. But I just came back from hiking through the mountains for seven hours in Honduras and even though my legs are sore, I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world.

Restez au chaud et en sécurité cet hiver

Les routes sont de véritables patinoires, votre voiture se transforme en jardin de givre et vous craignez manquer de courant à chaque coup de vent?

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
