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Fort McMurray evacuee expresses gratitude for support

For a Fort McMurray resident who watched the forest fire quickly invade his neighbourhood before he fled to Winnipeg, the assistance of the Canadian Red Cross has been both helpful and reaffirming.
“This whole experience beyond confirmed my faith in the Red Cross. It just reassured me that not only is the Red Cross real, but it is a completely valuable resource to people in need and the support has been just overwhelming,” said Jared Sabovitch, whose home was destroyed by the fire.

Fort McMurray woman shares experience with Red Cross across Alberta

Tina Barrett, her son and grandson evacuated, only to find themselves in several locations across Alberta. The Red Cross was there every step of the way. Tina shares her experience from evacuation to returning to Fort McMurray.

Right place, right time: Red Crossers perform first aid while deployed in Fort McMurray

“I really, really wanted to say thank you. I don’t think I conveyed how grateful I was.” Maggie Ireland fought back tears as she thanked two Red Cross volunteers for their assistance after she and her niece, Jamie, were involved in a car accident in downtown Edmonton.


Alberta fires: expressions of support and compassion from donors to evacuees

Canadians across the country came together to support evacuated residents from Fort McMurray. To date, more than $135 million has been raised by Canadians from coast to coast to support immediate emergency assistance, re-entry needs, and long-term community rebuilding for the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.

South Sudan and Fort McMurray: family ties

Marial Mayom Riak and his uncle Anyuon Awan meet each other with smiles, hugs and a traditional greeting. It has been years since they last saw each other, but the two family members, from opposite sides of the world, are brought back together through the Red Cross and the Fort McMurray fire.

School playground opens on third anniversary of Alberta floods

Three years after flooding destroyed thousands of properties across southern Alberta, a colourful new playground stands outside a brightly restored school in High River.
Where twisted metal, broken branches, thick mud and debris covered the area in 2013, children now swing happily between new play structures at Holy Spirit Academy. Funded by the Canadian Red Cross community grants program and other sponsors, the playground offers a lot of unique features, not only for students but the entire community.

Photo of the Day: Grandma Jean returns to Fort McMurray

“I’m so glad to be back in town,” says the feisty 86-year-old Jean Jensen, who locals affectionately call Grandma Jean. “I’ve been here over 40 years fighting for Fort Mac, and I’m gonna keep on fighting ... because I love it here."

World Refugee Day: photos of hope and survival

Around the world, the Red Cross movement protects people who have been forced to flee their homelands in search of safety. Here is a snapshot of our work over the past year.   

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
