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McMurray Metis celebrate culture and resiliency

A celebration of resiliency and togetherness brought together Fort McMurray’s Metis community at its annual Metis Festival on July 25th. The event was delayed a couple of months because of the wildfire in May.
McMurray Metis’ office, storage and entire site was destroyed by the wildfire that swept through the community, forcing thousands of people to evacuate. While fortunately the group was able to save many of its archives, all of its data and documentation was lost

A Silver Cross Mother and her Red Cross service

Red Cross volunteer Nicole Beauchamp, her husband Robert, and their family have long served their community and country. Beauchamp has been with Red Cross for 20 years and spent part of her summer assisting Alberta fire evacuees, first in Edmonton in May and then again in Calgary in June and July. 

Canadian Red Cross helps food bank in Fort McMurray manage increase in customers

“This food bank hasn’t had line-ups for more than a decade.” Arianna Johnson, executive director at the Wood Buffalo Food Bank in Fort McMurray, says the wildfires changed that. Since it reopened in early June, staff members have prepared and handed out 150 hampers a day, a significant increase from last year.

Beat the heat with refreshing cool drinks

Summer can bring warm, sunny weather and, after our Canadian winters, some welcome heat. When our summers heat up, it’s always important to keep your cool.
So to help beat the heat, and stay hydrated, indulge in tasty, refreshing beverages to keep cool - here are some recipes for your enjoyment:

Support when it's needed - one Fort Mac evacuee's story

Fort McMurray people are resilient. When wildfires, which scorched an area 100 times the size of Manhattan, destroyed some 2,500 town buildings and resulted in a month-long evacuation, even the strongest residents were tested. Meet one person the Canadian Red Cross had the privilege to support, Eva Janvier. 

Pay it forward: Aileen's hearts

Aileen Park, an Alberta fires evacuee, is an artist. Over the last five years, she has made thousands of tiny blown-glass hearts that she gives to strangers in the hopes that they will bring a smile to someone’s face. These small Pocket Hearts are a symbol of human connection and are meant to be shared and passed along. More recently the hearts have been given to people facing hardships or as a thank you for the generosity from others around her. Her little tokens of hope and solidarity are now spread across every continent.

Ready When the Time Comes: Acklands-Grainger invites Fort McMurray Red Cross team to move in

Red Cross teams have witnessed thousands of acts of kindness as Canadians come together to help those affected by the massive wildfires in Fort McMurray and surrounding communities.
Last week, Jenn McManus, VP of Alberta operations for the Red Cross, visited the Acklands-Grainger employees in Fort McMurray to recognize one such act of kindness.

Mobile clinics providing relief after Ecuador earthquake

The community of Coaque is about a 15-minute drive along the highway from where the Canadian Red Cross field hospital is based in Pedernales, Ecuador. The field hospital has been supporting a local health facility damaged by the April earthquake. Doctor Patricia Connick has been going out on mobile clinics like this nearly every day of her one-month mission.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
