Plus récents billets

Playing it Safe: Promoting healthy relationships for teens with developmental disabilities

The Canadian Red Cross partnered with the University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing to deliver CRC’s Respect Education curriculum, focused on healthy youth relationships. 

La natation accessible à tous les enfants

Afin d’intégrer tous les enfants  aux programmes de natation qu’elle propose, la Croix-Rouge offre désormais un outil de perfectionnement destiné aux moniteurs de sécurité aquatique pour leur permettre d’adapter leurs méthodes d’enseignement aux enfants présentant des limitations fonctionnelles comme une déficience intellectuelle ou un trouble du déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDAH). Entre autres, cet outil maximise le temps d’apprentissage des nageurs et favorise un environnement de baignade sécuritaire. 

Restoring Family Links; inspiring hope for families

Ridwan Jamal grew up in the Oromia region of Ethiopia with his parents, a brother and his sister. Their idyllic family life was forever changed when political unrest struck the region. Ridwan’s sister, Samira, was fearful of being married off so she ran away. In the resulting turmoil, the remainder of Ridwan’s family was imprisoned for a time. The family didn’t hear from Samira again, and after an exhaustive search, they believed she was dead.

Join in the first worldwide survey on first aid

Have your say in a short survey on first aid, available in 19 languages, to help us learn what common health situations are experienced by the general public. The first of its kind, this survey aims to gather information on the most common accidents and health emergencies people are facing and if first aid techniques were provided – with or without first aid skills.

Tech Talk: Make your phone smart enough to save lives

In today’s digital world, many of us realize how helpful technology is to our daily lives. Whether we’re mapping destinations, ordering food, making plans, even banking, our smart phones offer a lot of convenience in our hands. But have you thought about how this technology could help save your life or the life of another in an emergency?

Je suis une petite nature et j'ai survécu au cours de premiers soins!

On connaît tous une personne qui vire de l’œil à la vue du sang ou qui ferme les yeux pendant un film d’horreur jusqu’à ce qu’on lui dise qu’elle peut regarder l’écran. Eh bien cette personne, c’est moi. C’est pourquoi je ne raffolais pas de l’idée de m’initier au secourisme, par crainte de devoir être en contact avec des matières, disons... peu ragoûtantes...

Learning from the Red Cross Movement how to be better prepared

In late November 2016, the Ecuadorian Red Cross, with support from the Magen David Adom (MDA), the Israeli National Red Cross Society, conducted mass-casualty incident (MCI) training in Ecuador. An MCI is a situation – natural or man-made – where emergency crews become overwhelmed by the number of casualties. Many Red Cross National Societies respond to MCIs in their home countries; these Societies then share their knowledge with other Societies to improve their response capabilities.

Haiti: Seven years after the earthquake and three months after Hurricane Matthew

​It was seven years ago that a deadly earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010. Since that day, the Canadian Red Cross has never stopped supporting the survivors and has remained present on the ground. This made it possible to support communities in the wake of other disasters, since the seven years following the earthquake were not without challenges. Haitians faced a cholera epidemic, Tropical Storm Sandy, the recent Hurricane Matthew and more.

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
