Plus récents billets

Civilians at risk as fighting resumes in Ukraine

In the past week, an already volatile situation in Ukraine escalated as heavy artillery and rocket fire hit residential areas in the eastern part of the country, ending a fragile ceasefire.  The fighting has put already vulnerable civilians at heightened risk, with the Red Cross warning of a deteriorating humanitarian situation. 

What do you want to ask an aid worker?

Every year during the first week of February, the Canadian Government recognizes International Development Week. The week aims to encourage Canadians to learn more about, and contribute actively to, international development. It also showcases the work Canadians are doing to make the world a better place.

Red Cross basics: The principle of impartiality

Everything the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement does is guided by our seven fundamental principles; Humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. We’re taking a closer look at exactly what these principles mean, and how they govern our actions – today we’re looking at fundamental principle #2: Impartiality.

Votre téléphone est-il assez intelligent pour sauver des vies?

Dans le monde numérique où nous vivons, l’utilité de la technologie dans nos vies quotidiennes n’est plus à prouver. Nos téléphones intelligents nous permettent de planifier des itinéraires, de commander des plats à emporter et d’effectuer nos transactions bancaires. Mais saviez-vous que cette technologie pourrait également vous sauver la vie ou vous aider à porter secours à une personne en détresse?

Notre intervention à la suite de la tempête au Nouveau-Brunswick

La Croix-Rouge canadienne vient en aide aux personnes durement touchées par la tempête qui a frappé le Nouveau-Brunswick la semaine dernière et qui a privé des milliers de personnes d’électricité.

Red Cross responding to ice storm in New Brunswick

The Canadian Red Cross is helping people hard-hit by an ice storm that struck New Brunswick last week and left thousands of people without power. The Canadian Red Cross is working closely with the New Brunswick Department of Public Safety, municipalities and other partners.

Want to volunteer? Here’s how (and why you should)!

If you’ve decided to give some of your free time volunteering, and are now wondering how to get involved, here is some information on what’s involved in volunteering with the Canadian Red Cross.
First of all, kudos to you! Volunteering is a great opportunity to give back to your community, and the benefits of voluntarism extend beyond building your skillset, meeting new people or learning something new, it is also proved to help you live longer!

Emotional toll: Responding to all needs after the Alberta fires

The wildfires that ravaged many areas of the northern Alberta community last May were an extremely stressful experience for many people. In the first weeks after the evacuation, besides responding to the basic needs of Fort McMurray evacuees, the Red Cross also deployed a Safety and Well Being Team with expertise in Psychological First Aid.

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
