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Food Friday: The Survival Stove

It's been awhile since we posted a Food Friday blog! I just saw this posting by Robin Parker on the RedCrossPDX blog, and thought it was a perfect fit. Have a look:Prepare-aphernalia: The Survival StoveI'm not making that headline up. That's the actu...

Improving health in Haiti

*Guest blog by Conrad Sauvé, Secretary General and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Red Cross*We can all remember almost one year ago, image after image of destruction in Haiti following a devastating earthquake. For me, it was the footage of ...

Students use creativity to fight bullying

*Guest blog from Janice Babineau, Canadian Red Cross communications coordinator in Atlantic Canada * [slideshow] Bullying can happen to anyone. That message was heard loud and clear on Friday when students, parents and even elected officials sh...

Donate to the Red Cross? There’s an app for that!

In the world of technology, this year has been the year of all things relating to smartphones and computer tablets. And so, working with Artez Interactive, the Canadian Red Cross is getting in on the action, launching our first-ever smartphone applic...

The Red Cross Round-up

 *Written by Katie Robinson, Communications Coordinator with the Canadian Red Cross* The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our Sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. COLOMBIA: The intense rains that have affected Colo...

The special role Red Cross nurses play

** Guest blog by Katie Kallio, Information and Reporting Delegate in Haiti. Katie is part of the team working in the new Canadian Red Cross field hospital. It’s 10:30 at night, and as I lay in my tent I can hear some of my colleagues doing rounds ...

"Super Team" opens Cholera Treatment Centre in Haiti

** Guest blog by Katie Kallio, Information and Reporting Delegate in Haiti. Katie is part of the team working in the new Canadian Red Cross field hospital. [slideshow] Setting up an 80 bed field hospital takes time - however, with the number of...

Two million lives saved with CPR

** Guest blog by Don Marentette, Red Cross Canada’s national manager of first aid programs. Don is currently in California attending the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Update conference. We asked him to share some updates on the conference on this blo...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
