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Clowning around at the Red Cross

Guest entry by Colleen Lowe, Communications Manager in Ontario Shortly after retiring from his job at the local hydro station, Rick Nienhuis noticed a sign recruiting volunteers for the Sarnia Red Cross branch in Ontario. It piqued his curiosity and...

A sweet surprise for Meals on Wheels clients

Meals on Wheels clients in Burlington, Ontario received a sweet surprise for Valentine’s Day from students at Clarksdale Public School. Older students helped younger students create special place mats for each Meals on Wheels client. Red Cross volu...

Dispatch from The Gambia: Building resilience through community gardens

I have just returned from The Gambia where we visited four community gardens in North Bank and Lower River Region.  These women-run community vegetable gardens, supported by the Red Cross and the Government of Canada, allow families affected by t...

Photo of the Day: Using makeup to learn First Aid

Nope, this gruesome look isn't a result of a zombie apocalypse or an unfortunate Valentine's Day accident. It's all part of learning First Aid at the Red Cross. Kaysha Edwards, Canadian Red Cross First Aid Program Representative in Alberta, us...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross office opens in Moose Cree First Nation

*Photos by Johan Hallberg-Campbell Last week, the Canadian Red Cross opened a satellite office in Moose Cree First Nation, located near Moosonee on the coast of James Bay. This is the first Red Cross office in a First Nation community in Ontario a...

Dispatch from New York: The singing ERV driver

Immediately after arriving into New York I travelled to Breezy Point, an area devastated by Superstorm Sandy. I had the privilege of meeting many inspiring Red Cross volunteers who were busy distributing food and relief items and extraordinary pe...

Photo of the Day: 28th Annual Global Issues Symposium for Youth!

Guest entry by James Park, Assistant Communications Coordinator in BC  This Remembrance Day weekend marked the 28th year of our Global Issues Symposium for Youth, a four-day camp run by the Canadian Red Cross’ Humanitarian Issues Promotion. At our...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. VIETNAM: With the experience of enduring continuous disasters year after year, the Red Cross Societies of the Philippines and Viet Nam inst...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
