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Food Friday: Spice up your emergency kit

We recently found something that you can add to your disaster dining arsenal- a spice kit that can easily fit into your home preparedness kit or can slip into a backpack to take with you on-the-go. Called “The Mobile Foodie Survival Kit” it cont...

New campaign turns volunteer service into donations

People are getting excited about a new campaign by the Canadian Red Cross called The Volunteer Market that lets people volunteer their time or talent in exchange for a donation. The idea was first developed to bring some creativity and fun to workpla...

Mayors make a fuss over Meals on Wheels

On Monday, we told you about Mayors for Meals – an initiative that several Ontario mayors are taking part in this week to help raise awareness about Meals on Wheels programs in the community. The mayors have been stepping in as volunteers for a da...

A glimpse into the Red Cross response in Japan

It has been one week since a devastating 9.0 earthquake, and following tsunami, struck northeastern Japan leaving extensive damage and destruction in its wake. The Japanese Red Cross was on the ground immediately responding to this disaster. Check...

Teaching International Humanitarian Law through film

Who doesn’t love a good film? I do, especially films that are entertaining and also educational. This weekend, the Canadian Red Cross, Ottawa branch is using film to help educate by hosting the “Even Wars Have Limits” film festival at the Universi...

Are you ready for “The Magnitude”?

This is one of the coolest emergency preparedness education initiatives I’ve seen in a long time. Introducing to you “The Magnitude”  - take a bunch of preparedness tips, add some actors and a clever script and you have  the makings of a five-part...

Helping Afghan women, one loonie at a time

Students from five schools across Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island have been challenging each other to spend only one loonie a day, for 10 straight days as part of the Canadian Red Cross Dollar a Day campaign. That means no movies, no fast fo...

Three cheers for volunteers!

The buzz around Halifax these days is all about the 2011 Canada Games and a Canadian Red Cross staffer is playing an important role at the sporting event – not as an athlete, but as a volunteer. Ancel Langille has temporarily set aside his Red...

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