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Are you a water safety star? Here are the results of our quiz!

Last week, we asked you to test your water knowledge by taking our water safety mini-quiz. Here are the answers! (Did you get them all right?) 1. You don’t have to wear a lifejacket while out on the water.  Having one close-by is good enough.Answe...

Is Bieber Fever an infectious disease?

Watch out for the “Bieber Fever”. It is more infectious than the measles, according to a new study. Using mathematical models, researchers at the University of Ottawa found that “Bieber Fever” (when fans become hysterical over Canadian pop sta...

Images from the Thunder Bay floods

[slideshow] The Canadian Red Cross is on the ground in Thunder Bay, helping to provide support and comfort to people affected by severe flooding that has affected approximately 1,500 homes. Working closely with community officials, Red Cross volun...

Red Cross responding to floods in Thunder Bay

The last several days, Canadian Red Cross volunteers have been on the ground responding to massive floods in Thunder Bay, ON. Heavy rains and a sewage back-up caused the flooding, which forced the municipality to declare a State of Emergency earlier ...

Photo of the Day: Keeping kids safe in sport

Helmets and pads can only go so far to protect kids who play sports. That’s why respect was the theme of Hockey Canada’s AGM held in Halifax this past week and the focus of a talk by former NHL player Sheldon Kennedy who has spoken extensively abou...

Un GPS et une tapisserie pour les tremblements de terre

De nombreux chercheurs à travers le monde travaillent sur des technologies visant à sauver des vies lors de séismes majeurs. Voici deux inventions porteuses d'espoir. Détecter les tremblements de terre par GPS Le mois dernier, la Nasa a annon...

Photo of the Day: Imagine No More Bullies

Yesterday in Toronto, the Canadian Red Cross held an event on the important and very timely topic of bullying prevention. The event’s special host was Anne-Marie Mediwake, Co-Anchor of CBC News Toronto at 5. During the event, a panel of experts ...

Zombie apocalypse focus of new emergency preparedness campaign in BC

If your hometown suddenly turned into a scene from Night of the Living Dead, how would you survive? The British Columbia government believes if you are prepared for a fictional zombie attack, then you are prepared for any real disaster that mi...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
