Plus récents billets

Photo of the Day: Red Cross distributes aid in Mali

In this photo, a woman in Mali collects her family’s sack of essential household goods distributed by the Red Cross, such as blankets, mosquito nets, clothing and kitchen utensils. These are items she left behind when she fled her home. In res...

Photo of the Day: Ontario volunteers participate in disaster management training

A group of volunteers spent part of this Saturday being trained in disaster management in the Halton Hills region in Ontario. Now that they have completed their training, the volunteers will be added to the list of active volunteers in their regi...

Red Cross Delegate Profile: Sandra Damota

When we think of the damage caused by disasters, we tend to think of basic needs like shelter, water, food, and health, but we often forget how many other emotional, mental, and spiritual things are effected in a disaster. Red Cross psychosocial dele...

On mange d'la fondue!

Fondue au fromage, fondue bourguignonne, fondue chinoise, la fondue est un repas d’hiver par excellence en famille ou entre amis. Mais ce repas tout simple nous oblige généralement à manier du combustible à fondue liquide ou en pâte. Or, la belle pet...

Photo of the Day: Healing Hands for Haiti

Today’s photo of the day is taken from the American Red Cross. Pictured above is James Medina, who was attending school in Port-au-Prince, when the earthquake in Haiti occurred three years ago. Medina was trapped under the rubble for an entire...

A glimpse into humanitarian work in Yemen

I Know Where I’m Going is a moving short film featuring a staff member from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Hussein Saleh, who is from Yemen, a country affected by conflict. In the 10-minute document...

Un documentaire à voir : les veuves d’Irak

Elles sont plus d’un million de veuves en Irak, soit environ une femme sur dix. Entièrement vêtues de noir, elles portent le souvenir de la guerre sur leur dos. Le réseau ARTE a réalisé un documentaire essentiel sur ces femmes qui s’efforcent de ...

Tech Talk: Feeling the flu? There's an app for that! 

With the early onset of flu season this year, many Canadians' immune systems have been caught off guard. So what does the technologically-inclined Red Crosser do when they feel the onset of flu symptoms? When chicken soup won't cut it (and when you a...

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
