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Video: Canadian Red Cross in Syria

We wanted to share this video footage of the recent visit to Syria by Canadian Red Cross Secretary General and CEO, Conrad Sauvé, and Director of Emergencies and Recovery for International Operations, Hossam Elsharkawi. The Canadian Red Cross has been providing support to its sister society, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), as it continues to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid to people affected by the on-going conflict.

How Atlantic Canada weathered the storm

We always encourage people to know the risks, make a plan and get a kit so they can be ready for any emergency.

While much of Atlantic Canada is digging out from what has been described as a weather bomb, or spring blizzard, we thought we’d check in to see how residents of the Atlantic provinces prepared and got through the storm.

They say timing is everything

Last fall, Brian Andrade and his wife, Chantelle Lavallee, took a first aid training course in preparation for the birth of their baby; and it’s a good thing he paid attention. What Brian couldn’t have known at the time was that a month after taking the training, he’d have to use it to save the life of Chantelle when she collapsed 13 days after delivering their baby. Had it not been for Brian’s immediate response, Chantelle would not have survived.

A Syrian volunteer shares her story

Most 28 year-olds do not give up their careers to commit all their time to volunteering.
Abeer Shaker has a degree in media studies from Damascus University, but instead she’s been volunteering with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent since the very beginning of the Syrian crisis and has decided to continue her work in the humanitarian field.

Why we're going #REDforSYRIA

Today, we’re turning our social media avatars red to show our support and solidarity with the volunteers of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, as we mark three years since the beginning of the conflict in Syria.

Emergency field hospital handed over to Philippine Red Cross

More than three months after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, the Canadian Red Cross has handed over the field hospital it deployed in November 2013 to the Philippine Red Cross. This will allow the Philippine Red Cross to provide basic health care to a community of 30,000 people in the event of a future emergency. 

Video update from South Sudan

In this video, the head of operations for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Africa, Eric Marclay, provides an update on how the Red Cross is responding to the emergency needs of families in South Sudan and explains how recovery will take time.

Share the Love

We’re celebrating Valentine’s Day by showing love and appreciation to our supporters, volunteers, donors, staff members and friends. With their support and contributions, the Canadian Red Cross is able to help families during disasters, offer first aid and water safety training, provide loans of health care equipment, empower youth to prevent bullying and so much more.

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
