Plus récents billets

Bonne journée mesdames!

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, nous voulions partager avec vous un échantillon des contributions apportées par les femmes à la Croix-Rouge canadienne. L’histoire nous a montré que les femmes ont toujours joué un rôle importan...

Celebrating contributions of women at the Canadian Red Cross

On International Women’s Day, we thought it would be fitting to share a few examples of the significant contribution of women at the Canadian Red Cross. Looking back throughout our history, women have always played an important role. During World Wa...

Raising the Flag: March is Red Cross Month

March is Red Cross Month at the Canadian Red Cross. The annual tradition is a call for communities to get to know their local branch and the opportunities available there. It is also an opportunity to learn about all of the great work being done lo...

Warm welcome in Newfoundland

Hossam Elsharkawi from the Canadian Red Cross International Operations team was in Newfoundland this past week to give presentations to local Red Cross volunteers, the Rotary Club and students and professors with the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial U...

Des chiffres pour le mois de la Croix-Rouge

Le mois de mars est le mois de la Croix-Rouge, voici nos activités au Québec en quelques chiffres.

Clowning around at the Red Cross

Guest entry by Colleen Lowe, Communications Manager in Ontario Shortly after retiring from his job at the local hydro station, Rick Nienhuis noticed a sign recruiting volunteers for the Sarnia Red Cross branch in Ontario. It piqued his curiosity and...

From Kosovo to Nova Scotia: A journey with a Red Cross connection

When Arta Rexhepi arrived in Canada from Kosovo with her family nearly 14 years ago, she was greeted and comforted by Canadian Red Cross volunteers. She was among a group of 5,000 refugees fleeing conflict who arrived in Nova Scotia and Ontario from ...

Faire un don via Twitter

Le 12 février dernier, la société American Express a annoncé le lancement d’un nouveau service qui permettra à ses clients de lier leur carte de crédit à leur compte Twitter et d’effectuer des achats en ligne par le biais de mots-dièse. Eh oui, vous ...

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À propos

Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
