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​Helping his community, one empty bottle at a time

“Le coeur de la classe.” That’s what Julian’s teacher calls him – the heart of the class. The 10-year-old Ottawa boy has always had a generous spirit and been aware of those around him who might be going through difficult times. As individuals and families in his region were affected by flooding this past week, Julian decided to embark on a fundraising effort to support them.

8 essential tips for after a flood

Over the past few weeks, thousands of people have had to evacuate their homes as a result of the spring floods in Quebec and parts of Ontario. Now that the water is beginning to withdraw in some regions, those evacuated by flooding may begin to re-enter their homes. Here are 8 safety precautions to follow when you return home.

Flooding in Ontario: How one community is coping

Clarence-Rockland is a city of just over 22,000 people, about 40 km east of Ottawa. Many of the city’s residents live along the Ottawa River, which is currently at its highest level in decades. Out of approximately 140 homes in the river’s vicinity, 24 have been evacuated and others are still dealing with dangerously high water levels. More on how the Canadian Red Cross is helping affected residents.

8 consignes essentielles à suivre après une inondation

Au cours des dernières semaines, plus de 4 600 personnes ont dû évacuer leur domicile à la suite des inondations printanières qui ont touché une centaine de municipalités au Québec. Maintenant que l’eau se retire doucement, les sinistrés réintègrent leurs domiciles en suivant les directives de leurs municipalités. 

No place is too far: Bringing life-saving health care to hard-to-reach communities in Nepal

In the bustling din of Dhulikhel Hospital’s emergency room, Dr. Sanu Shrestha walks with ease between triage nurses in the waiting room, hovering families at patient beds and doctors rushing to their next consult.

Cynthia, bénévole et sinistrée des inondations à Gatineau

Cynthia Pilon-Potvin est bénévole à la Croix-Rouge depuis cinq ans.
Le 5 mai dernier, elle assistait les sinistrés des inondations à notre centre d’accueil et d’information de Gatineau, mais au cours de la nuit, son appartement a été inondé.  

One year after the fires: a Fort McMurray family returns home

Christina and Chris MacKay stand in the kitchen of their new house in Fort McMurray. It’s nearly finished – the walls are painted, the cupboards are in – they are just awaiting the final touches.
Building a new house was never on the young family’s bucket list.

Meet a Red Cross worker: Erwan Cheneval and managing rapid responses

Meet Erwan Cheneval, a rapid response manager with the Canadian Red Cross. Erwan works to address some of the challenges that happen when mobilizing humanitarian operations, details that are extremely important to the success of these operations. 

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
