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Red Cross helps Saskatchewan family affected by house fire

The day after Christmas in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan this year was chilly: -35C chilly. Carmen, Jordy, one-year old Otis and the family cat decided to enjoy a fire in their fireplace to warm up. They didn’t know that a squirrel had been hoarding pinecones in their chimney. Their living room quickly filled with smoke and soon the roof of their old home was in flames. 

Six months after Hurricane Maria, Dominica continues to recover

Six months ago, Hurricane Maria hit Dominica hard. The Category 5 hurricane brought torrential rain and winds of up to 250 kilometers per hour. Nearly the entire island was destroyed. Today, those impacted by the storm are working with the Red Cross to rebuild and recover. 

Ready to volunteer? When a disaster strikes, Red Cross volunteers are ready

For the Canadian Red Cross, volunteers are the front line for communities when disaster strikes. 

Apprendre à nager avant de marcher

Dans quelques mois à peine, l’été se fera sentir. Même avec une veste de flottaison ou des flotteurs, l’eau peut rapidement devenir une source de stress pour les parents. C’est pourquoi la Croix-Rouge recommande fortement d’inscrire les enfants à des cours de natation, et ce, dès les premiers mois de vie.

Putting training to the test during a complex response in Democratic Republic of Congo

This would be a challenging response, but it was also a response that the DRC Red Cross had been trained for as part of the Capacity Strengthening for Emergency Response in Africa initiative – now it was time to put their training into action. 

Reporting from conflict zones: Journalists share their experiences

During two panel discussions – “Reporting from Conflict Zones” and “Reporting from the Middle East” – journalists Ray Homer, Lisa LaFlamme, Laura Lynch, Grant McDonald, Zein Almoghraby, Sylvène Gilchrist and Tara Sutton described their experiences working in some of the world’s most dangerous areas.

Enter a child’s room in a city at war

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has launched an augmented reality application that immerses you in the reality of war through the eyes of a child.

Entrez dans une chambre d’enfant dans une ville assiégée

Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) a lancé une application de réalité augmentée qui vous plonge dans la réalité de la guerre à travers le regard d’un enfant

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Ce blogue de la Croix-Rouge est un lieu d’échange entre les bénévoles, les employés, les donateurs, les partenaires et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de la Croix-Rouge ici et ailleurs dans le monde.
